

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-12-18)阅读数 6#综合百科

My per?sonal favorite weapon is the axe.? Not only it inflicts much more dam?age than the default sword, the axe also let the user to ini?ti?ate whirl?wind attack in basic attack com?bos (click left mouse key really fast :p).? It can be very use?ful when you are sur?rounded by mobs: you just do the nat?ural thing:?panic and press but?tons really fast and really hard.

Queen of solo kit?ing is what I call her.? The class is quite capa?ble of tak?ing no dam?age at all in non-boss sit?u?a?tions and just blast away her ene?mies (with the draw?back of tak?ing more time to pull that off,dungeon fighter, of course).Majority of the stereo?typ?i?cal mage char?ac?ter?is?tics hold true for sor?cer?ess: low HP, high MP,dungeon fighter, pow?er?ful at ranged but easy to hurt when come close enough.

Archer of… fail.? Either I am badly miss?ing some?thing or most likely, acro?bat just sucks in solo at lv16.? The “wind?mill” skill is pretty cool… though it’s?a melee emer?gency skill.? In the demo, her archery skills are rather over?lap?ping than flex?i?ble.? Unlike Sor?cer?ess’ magic,dungeon fighter, an archer’s basic attacks?are required to aim very pre?ciously for a hit to reg?is?ter. It looks like lv16 is too low for that “shoot-like-a-machine-gun” skill fan?ta?sized in many game?play videos.? Archery’s effec?tive range doesn’t seem to be longer than that of magic skills.? Even with less AoE ten?dency and harder aim?ing process,dungeon fighter,?archer’s?DPS is still con?sid?er?ably lower than my sor?cer?ess performance.

DPS machine.Risk vs. dam?age out?put ration is very bal?anced; this class should be the most fun class in the game.? War?rior in this demo pos?sesses a rich skill set that attacks incor?po?rates dif?fer?ent mul?ti?tude of AoE.? And of course,dungeon fighter,?all skills, save one are melee.? After clear?ing few group of mobs a way to orga?nize skill combo becomes clear.? By skill combo I mean a sequence of skills to exe?cute for the pur?pose max?i?mize dps (in a rel?a?tively safe?way).

This demo ver?sion includes the four lv16 char?ac?ters for each class, a train?ing course map, and two dun?geon maps (with easy and nor?mal dif?fi?culty).? Since the char?ac?ters are pre?set, there is no level up and/or dis?trib?ute skill points.For those who are interested,?the demo is dubbed in Japan?ese (how?ever unim?pres?sive).? The “story” starts as you being the hero to save a girl who went into for?est and encoun?tered dan?ger .? Not to pass overly harsh judge?ment at an early stage here but I just hope the shal?low story in this demo does not rep?re?sent the fin?ished product.


Actu?ally try?ing out the game con?firmed?most of?my pre?vi?ous assump?tions got?ten from watch?ing game?play videos.? The char?ac?ter ani?ma?tion, light?ning, physics, and cam?era, are excel?lent as expected.? On the other hand,dungeon fighter, textures?especially tex?ture for char?ac?ters, are very rough; so,dungeon fighter, has any?body won?dered… is there a?con?vinc?ing?rea?son for Eye?Den?tity not to pol?ish this aspect of their game just a lit?tle bit?more?

Sor?cer?ess has many tricks in her pocket like the pre?vi?ous two classes.? Basic attacks are bolts, mostly used to push mobs into posi?tion for more pow?er?ful AoE attacks.? Inferno is a col?umn AoE that works in almost all sit?u?a?tions.? There’s a nova-like ice skill to use when sur?rounded… and finally, an AoE that hits a large area with high dam?age but dif?fi?cult to aim.? With a lit?tle prac?tice I can assure you that the plea?sure of abus?ing mobs with her abil?i?ties is beyond pleasant.


Yet the class is to be respected for his ver?sa?til?ity.? Cleric has effec?tive melee basic attacks that deals a good amount of dam?age in basic attacks, plus the inher?ited weapon bonus to stun and slow down foes.? He also deploys delayed and sta?tion?ary attacks with dif?fer?ent degrees of AoE.? I can imag?ine this class would excel even more in a real game, coop?er?at?ing with oth?ers.? Last but not least, cler?ics can AoE heal and self-buff to block attacks?useful when killing bosses.

Since I won’t put up with the bother of set?ting up a proxy,dungeon fighter, all infor?ma?tion regard?ing the offline demo are inferred from the offline demo ver?sion?itself.In case you have no idea what I’ve been talk?ing about,dungeon fighter, steparu’s loli man?sion has some very detailed stuff regard?ing Dragon Nest.


Any?way, I am sat?is?fied with being able to enjoy three out of four classes.? This offline demo shows both what makes this game great and why it still needs more pol?ish?ing works.? With Dragon Nest CN begin?ning a more pub?lic test?ing phase in June, one could wish that Nexon NA will ful?fill its promise for bring?ing Dragon Nest to North Amer?i?can within the?year…


Maybe because it was lit?er?ally my first time play?ing this kind of action games, the expe?ri?ence was quite chal?leng?ing.? I died 10+ times as War?rior at the last boss; good thing is that there are infi?nite amount of lives to waste away!? Again be reminded, the char?ac?ter skills are pre?de?ter?mined, so it may be hard to stop think?ing “hey why do I have this skill on my bar that doesn’t do me any?good?”

Sec?ond most inter?est?ing class on my list.? First time see?ing char?ac?ter selec?tion screen I thought the cleric is either too eager for some action, or has inhaled some illicit substances.Though after start play?ing the class I fig?ure it must be him not care?ful enough with his light?ning attacks?so he zap him?self, occa?sion?ally or con?stantly I do not?know.

A rare show?case of gen?eros?ity for Nexon and per?haps online game devel?op?ers in gen?eral: Hangame JP released an offline demo of Dragon Nest as its?open-beta date draws near.? Hangame JP is?noto?ri?ous for its?almost xeno?pho?bic?ip restriction.Yes,dungeon fighter, they’ve done it to their Dragon Nest offi?cial site.? BUT,? Thanks and lolis are given to Steparu for the won?der?ful and tim?ing news for the offline demo!


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