

桃子1年前 (2023-12-18)阅读数 8#综合百科

临时照顾我的妹妹attend to my sister provisionally

去野营go camping

在家休息或放松have/take a rest

去西藏go to Tibet

去徒步旅行go on foot

……怎么样(2种)who is your going/what's to be done

多久how long

拜访我的朋友drop in my friend/look my friend up

仅仅4天just/only/barely/merely/solely/alone+4 days

like的用法 like to do sth/ like doing sth


玩得快乐(3种)have a good time/ enjoy it/cheerful

送给某人某物(2种)give sb sth/give sth to sb

给某人看某物(2种) show sb sth/show sth to sb

回到学校来come back/return school

停留一周stay a week

问我几个有关我的假期计划的问题 ask me a few questions about the plan of my vacation

询问天气(2种)how is weather/ what is weather fell like

骑自行车去兜风go for a ride

去观光go sightseeing

散步(2种)go for a stroll/take a walk

去钓鱼go fishing

租光盘rent disc

去购物go shopping

考虑思考pounder over/reflect on

度一次长假go vacation

决定做……decide to do

hear的用法 hear sb do/doing sth, hear from/of sb

want的用法want to do sth / want sb to do sth

五大湖Great Lakes

离开去某地leave for

计划做某事plan to do sth

spend的用法spend money/time on sth

hope的用法hope to do sth/ I'm hoping to do sth

forget的用法forget to do sth/ forget doing sth

finish的用法finish to do sth/ finish doing sth

问某人有关某事ask sb about sth

一个观光的好地方an enchanting scenery of vacation

这个周末this weekend

一个令人激动的假期an excited holiday


Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Design & Fashion. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, and stating your reason(s).

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address.



Dear Mr. Wang,

I am writing to inform you of my intention of withdrawing from my current position in this magazine.

Though having worked here for merely two months, I, unfortunately, find that this job is quite different from my expectation. First of all, I have to say that my salary is far from satisfying, which barely sustains me in this expensive city. Moreover, so far I have never had the responsibility of any challenging task.

I apologize in advance for any inconvenience it might bring to you.

Yours truly,

Li Ming










 by Vijay Seshadri

 We hold it against you that you survived.

 People better than you are dead,

 but you still punch the clock.

 Your body has wizened but has not bled

 its substance out on the killing floor

 or flatlined in intensive care

 or vanished after school

 or stepped off the ledge in despair.

 Of all those you started with,

 only you are still around;

 only you have not been listed with

 the defeated and the drowned.

 So how could you ever win our respect

 you, who had the sense to duck,

 you, with your strength almost intact

 and all your good luck.



 by Amy Clampitt

 Like the foghorn that's all lung,

 the wind chime that's all percussion,

 like the wind itself, that's merely air

 in a terrible fret, without so much

 as a finger to articulate

 what ails it, the aeolian

 syrinx, that reed

 in the throat of a bird,

 when it comes to the shaping of

 what we call consonants, is

 too imprecise for consensus

 about what it even seems to

 be saying: is it o-ka-lee

 or con-ka-ree, is it really jug jug,

 is it cuckoo for that matter

 much less whether a bird's call

 means anything in

 particular, or at all.

 Syntax comes last, there can be

 no doubt of it: came last,

 can be thought of (is

 thought of by some) as a

 higher form of expression:

 is, in extremity, first to

 be jettisoned: as the diva

 onstage, all soaring

 pectoral breathwork,

 takes off, pure vowel

 breaking free of the dry,

 the merely fricative

 husk of the particular, rises

 past saying anything, any

 more than the wind in

 the trees, waves breaking,

 or Homer's gibbering

 Thespesiae iache:

 those last-chance vestiges

 above the threshold, the all-

 but dispossessed of breath.



 by Sandra Alcosser

 Friday night I entered a dark corridor

 rode to the upper floors with men who filled

 the stainless elevator with their smell.

 Did you ever make a crystal garden, pour salt

 into water, keep pouring until nothing more dissolved?

 A landscape will bloom in that saturation.

 My daddy's body shop floats to the surface

 like a submarine. Men with nibblers and tin snips

 buffing skins, sanding curves under clamp lights.

 I grew up curled in the window of a 300 SL

 Gullwing, while men glided on their backs

 through oily rainbows below me.

 They torqued lugnuts, flipped fag ends

 into gravel. Our torch song

 had one refrain?oh the pain of loving you.

 Friday nights they'd line the shop sink, naked

 to the waist, scour down with Ajax, spray water

 across their necks and up into their armpits.

 Babies have been conceived on sweat alone?

 the buttery scent of a woman's breast,

 the cumin of a man. From the briny odor

 of black lunch boxes?cold cuts, pickles,

 waxed paper?my girl flesh grows.

 From the raunchy fume of strangers.


 Queen Maeve

 by Eloise Bruce

 Dreaming within these walls all night,

 we woke with both eyes open,

 barely winking at the morning light.

 We shower and sing with the long-legged fly.

 Queen Maeve keeps time in the attic,

 and the pig-keepers roar in the toy box below stairs.

 Turn out the lamp whose fringe rhymes with orange.

 Our words wait in sun-melted butter.

 We'll eat our troubles with bubbling metaphor,

 punctuate the teapot with boiling time,

 hang the wash out on the line.

 Today, we'll scrub and paint the walls

 using colors we don't yet recognize.

 The key in the door shines.

 Come in. The poem is just here. Come inside.



 by May Swenson

 Body my house

 my horse my hound

 what will I do

 when you are fallen

 Where will I sleep

 How will I ride

 What will I hunt

 Where can I go

 without my mount

 all eager and quick

 How will I know

 in thicket ahead

 is danger or treasure

 when Body my good

 bright dog is dead

 How will it be

 to lie in the sky

 without roof or door

 and wind for an eye

 With cloud for shift

 how will I hide?

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