

梵高1年前 (2023-12-18)阅读数 10#综合百科

Veronica的昵称: Ron, Ronnie

Abbie, Abbey, Abby or Gail for Abigail

Ally, Allie, Ali for Alexandra, Allison, Alison or Alice

Al, Alex, Andi, Lex, Xander, Sasha for Alexander or Alexandra

Ann, Anna, Anne, Annie, Bella for Anabelle

Andie for Andrea

Andy, Drew for Andrew

Ant, Tony, Toni, Tone for Anthony

Ash, Ashers, Ley for Ashley

Barb, Barbie, Babs for Barbara

Ben, Benny, Benji for Benjamin

Bert, Bertie for Albert, Herbert, Bertram, Robert

Beth, Bess, Bessie, Betsy, Betty, Bette, Bitsy, Ellie, Eliza, Elise, Libby, Lisa, Liza, Liz, Lizzie, Izzy for Elizabeth

Betta for Elisabetta

Bran, Brandy, Randy for Brandon

Britt, Bri for Brittany

Cam, Cammy, Cammo, Cammers for Cameron

Candy for Candice, Candace

Cat, Cate, Cathy for Catherine

Chuck, Chaz, Charlie, Charley, Carson for Charles

Chris, Chrissy, Tina for Christine, Christina

Chris, Topher for Christopher, Christian

Court, Corky, for Courtney

Di, Dicey, Didi for Diane, Diana

Donna for Donnatella

Dan, Danny for Daniel

Dave, Davey, Beau, Divad, Devad for David

Den, Denny, Dino, Dean for Dennis

Dot, Dotty, Dodie, Thea for Dorothy or Dorothea

Ed, Eddy, Eddie, Ned, Ted, Teddy, Teddie, Ward for Edward

Ella, Ellie, Elle, Nell, Nellie for Eleanor

Eli, Lige for Elijah

Eli, Lish, Leesh for Elisha

Eli, Ellie, Elle, Elly, Lou for Eloise

Em, Ems, Emmy, Millie for Emily, Emma

Esti, Estie, Esty, Estye for Esther

Fran, Franny, Frankie for Frances, Francesca

Frank, Frankie, Franky for Francis, Franklin

Gabe, Gabby, Gabi for Gabriel, Gabriela, Gabrielle

Ginny for Virginia

Gare for Gary

Geoff for Geoffrey

Gerry for Gerald, Gerard

Greg for Gregory

Harry, Hal, Hank for Henry, Harold

Howie, Ward for Howard

Isa, Izzy, Bella, Belle, Bell for Isabel, Isabelle, Isabella

Jack, Johnny for John

Jackie for Jacqueline

Jake, Jack for Jacob and Jacques

Jay, Jayce for Jason

Jeff for Jefferson or Jeffrey (originally for Jefferson but now more often Jeffrey, a new form of Geoffrey)

Jem for Jemma

Jen, Jenny, Jenna for Jennifer

Jerry for Jerome, Gerald

Jess, Jessie for Jessica

Jim, Jimmy, Jamie, Jock , Jake for James

Joe, Joey for Joseph

Jojo, Josey for Josiah

Jon, Jonny for Jonathan

Jo, Josie/Jojo for Joanne, Joanna, Josephine

Josh for Joshua

Judy for Judith

Jules for Julie, Julia, Julian

Kate, Katie, Kat, Trina for Katrina, Katherine

Ken, Kenny for Kenneth

Kev for Kevin

Kim, Kimber, or Lee for Kimberly or Kimberley

Kris, Krissy for Kristen

Larry, Lar, Laurie for Lawrence or Laurence (male only)

Laur, Lauri, Laurie, Lozza (australian) for Laurence, Laura or Lauren (female)

Leo, Leona, Len, Lenny for Leonard or Leopold

Libby forLisbeth

Liv, Livi for Olivia

Lucy, Ceil, Ceall, Cille for Lucille

Mandy, Mandi, Manda for Amanda

Maddie, Maddy for Madeline, Madison

Marge, Marg, Maggie, Mags, Meg, Megan, Peg, Peggy, Greta, Margie for Margaret

Marty, Martie, Mattie for Martha

Mally, Maidie, Mamie, Mare for Mary

Matt, Mattie for Matthew

Maur, Mo for Maureen

Max for Maxwell, Maximilian

Meg for Megan, Meghan, Meaghan

Merv for Mervin

Mia for Maria

Mo for Mohammed or Maurice

Moll for Molly

Nan, Nancy for Ann, Anne

Nate, Nat for Nathan, Nathaniel, Natalie

Ness, Nessy, Nessie, Nessa for Vanessa

Nick, Nicky, Niki for Nicholas, Nicole

Pat, Patsy, Patty, Patti, Trish, Tricia for Patricia

Pat, Paddy, Pa, Patoutou for Patrick

Pete, Petey for Peter

Phil for Phillip or Philip

Rache, Rach, for Rachel

Ricky, Ricki, for Erica

Rossie, Rossy for Ross

Dick, Dickie, Dicky, Rich, Richie, Richy, Rick, Ricky for Richard

Bob, Rob, Robby, Robbie, Robi, Bobby, Rab, Bert, Bertie , Butch , Robban (in Sweden) for Robert

Ron, Ronnie for Ronald, Veronica

Rosie, Rose for Rosemary

Rube for Reuben, Ruben

Rusty, Russ for Russell

Ry for Ryan

Sally, Sallie, Sadie for Sarah

Sam, Sammy, Sammie for Samuel, Samantha, Samson

Sandy, Al, Alex for Alexander

Sandra, Sandy, Al, Alex for Alexandra

Shawn, Sean, for Shyam

Sophie, Sophia for Sophronia

Steph, Stephie for Stephanie


Steve for Stephen, Steven

Stewie, Stew, Stu for Stewart, Stuart

Sue, Susie, Suzie for Susan/Suzanne (most often Sue or Susie for Susan and Suzie for Suzanne)

Tam, Tammy for Tamara

Ted, Teddy, Theo, Tad for Theodore

Teddie, Thea, Theo for Theodora

Tom, Thom, Tommy for Thomas

Tim, Timmy for Timothy

Terrie, Terri for Teresa, Theresa

Ty for Tyler, Tyann, Tyrone

Van for Vanessa

Val, for Valerie

Vicky, Vicki, Vickie, Tori for Victoria

Vince, Vin, Vinnie ,Vinny for Vincent

Vivi, Viv for Vivian

Wen, Wendel for Wendy

Will, Wils, Willy, Willie, Bill, Billy, Liam for William

Zach, Zack, Zac for Zachary

这首歌是: Coolio - 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sumpin’ New) 试听地址是: http://www.aiting.com/musicData/play/204404.html 大概的歌词是: this is some ofthelingua-fringa of da funk business, and people come from miles around with an almost religious devotion togetondown..... 1234getyourwomanonthefloor gotta gottagetup togetdown gotta gottagetup togetdown what up everybody, so glad you're here it's coolio wit'theflow back inyourear this ain'tthefantastic voyage, but i'm stillona mission, to see if i cangetyourattention now i want to drop some information just a little additive toyoureducation i live my life bythecode ofthefunk 600 watt amps,18's inthetrunk when i'monthestreet, you gotta feel my beat, so throwyourhands up if you're down withthec double o, l, i, o withtheflow i'm lookin' fortheparty, so betta nigga know 123, it's like a b c if hip hop didn't pay, i'd rap for free slide, slide, but that's that past i got sumpin' brand new for that ass if you got beefed, then nigga eat a porkchop once igetit goin', you know it don't stop i break like dandylocks, panties drop, from hood to hood, block to block help, i need somebody togetit goin'onin this party baby you can do it, takeyourtime do it right, we can drink some liqua and do it all damn night my name ain't wanda, but i'll rockyourworld getmore bounce than a gherry curl too many looky loos be lookin' for clues there's a party goin'on, now whatcha gonna do, so grabyourpartner, do se do, if you don't know who it is, it's coolio, slide, slide, but that'sthepast, i got sumpin' brand new for that ass push, push, inthebush but don't steponno toes cuz you mightgetsmushed it'sthebrother from aroundtheway and what i say i been comin'onthree like dr. dre comin' at 'em with pattern an' a fresh pair of atoms i hope you don't trip cuz i don't want to have to gat 'em so moveyourbody baby, drivethehomeys crazy, theway you shake that ass, always amaze me ain't no party like a west coast party cuz a west coast party don't stop so when you see a young nigga in a chevy hittin' switches, then you gotta givethenigga his props i got size in my rise andthemotion foryourocean coolio gotthepotion to kicktheparty open slide, slide, but that'sthepast i got sumpin' brand new for that ass. 听了半天只听出一点儿, 后来叫朋友帮忙听出来的, 希望对你有帮助。

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