

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-12-19)阅读数 8#综合百科


一、详细释义: , adj. , 淡色的,浅色的 , 例句: ,I like light yellow best.,我最喜欢鹅**。, 例句: ,You look so beautiful in light yellow!,你穿鹅**好看极了!, 轻的 , 例句: ,But not all these light metals all can suit the manufacturing plane.,并不是所有这些轻金属都能适合制造飞机的。, 例句: ,I knew they were just thatch and must be brittle, porous and light.,我知道那是茅草屋,盖得薄薄的,轻而透气。, 少量的;轻微的 , 例句: ,There was a light rain falling.,外面下着小雨。, 例句: ,They broke the new guy in at work by giving him a light workload.,他们给新人少量的工作使他习惯工作内容。, (负担)轻的;轻松愉快的 , 例句: ,There was an ease in his manner——a gay and light manner it was.,他的态度从容大方――那是一种轻松、愉快的态度。, 例句: ,Let's see a light film for a change.,咱们看部轻松的影片调剂一下。, 灵巧的;轻捷的;轻盈的,轻快的 , 例句: ,They walked with a light cheerful step.,他们以轻快的脚步走着。, 例句: ,She is light of foot.,她脚步轻快。, 轻率的,反复无常的;轻浮的,轻佻的 , 例句: ,Her light conduct left a bad impression on me.,她那轻浮的举止给我留下一个坏印象。, 例句: ,I'm not a light person.,我不是个轻浮的人。, 容易惊醒的,(睡眠)不酣的 , 例句: ,He is a light sleeper.,他睡不沉。, 例句: ,Few people were light sleepers.,少数人是睡觉容易惊醒的人。, 眩晕的 , 例句: ,He was a bit light after the illness.,他病后有些头晕。, 例句: ,She is easy to be light in the car.,她在车上容易头晕。, 清淡的;易消化的;(酒)淡的 , 例句: ,That is a light, tasty dessert.,那是一道清淡可口的甜点。, 例句: ,I enjoy light wine.,我爱喝清淡的酒。, (车、船等)轻型的,轻便的 , 例句: ,She bought a light truck.,她买了一辆轻型卡车。, 例句: ,I have a light bicycle.,我有量轻便的自行车。, adv. , 轻地;轻装地 , 例句: ,I like to travel light.,我喜欢轻装旅行。, n. , 光;光线;光亮 [U] , 例句: ,She was reading by the light of a candle.,她在蜡烛光下读书。, 例句: ,The magnificent beau is dancing to the light of chandeliers.,这个衣着华丽的 *** 在枝形吊灯灯光下翩翩起舞。, 光源;灯,灯火,烛火 [C] , 例句: ,Turn off the lights when you leave.,离开时把灯熄掉。, 例句: ,He was feeling about in the dark for the electric light switch.,他在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关。, 点火物(如火柴、打火机);导火物(如火花、火焰) [C] , 例句: ,Can you give me a light, please?,劳驾,能借个火吗?, 日光;白昼;黎明 [U] , 例句: ,They set off at first light.,他们天一亮就出发了。, 例句: ,Honest men fear neither the light nor the dark.,诚实人既不怕白昼,也不怕夜晚。, 窗,天窗 [C] , 角度,眼光;见解,观点 , 例句: ,He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light.,最近几个月里他努力从更积极的角度来描绘纽约。, 例句: ,We have to interpret his words in a modern light.,我们得用现代的眼光来解释他的话。, (启发性的)事实,知识,信息;了解;解释 [U] , 例句: ,The teacher explained the phenomenon in the light of physics.,教师以物理学的观点来解释这种现象。, 例句: ,Perhaps you can throw some light on the matter.,或许你能给这件事提供一些信息。, 显露;众所周知 [U] , 例句: ,The mystery has now e to light.,这个秘密现在已被揭开了。, (绘画中的)亮部 [U,C] , v. , 点,点燃 [T] , 例句: ,He lit a match.,他划着了一根火柴。, 例句: ,If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.,要是木炭确实着不了的话,使用一种特殊的液体喷剂,再用长木片将其点燃。, 照亮,使发亮 [T] , 例句: ,The room is brilliantly lighted up and full of guests.,房间里灯火辉煌,宾客济济。, 使容光焕发,使满面春风 [T] , 例句: ,A *** ile of triumph lit up her face.,她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。, 例句: ,What light your face up?,是什么让你容光焕发?, 用灯光指引 [T] , 例句: ,The beam lighted the ship into the harbor.,光束指引船只进港。, 点着 [I] , 例句: ,The match lights easily.,这火柴容易划着。, 发亮 [I] , 例句: ,Her face lighted up at the good news.,她听到这好消息脸上露出了喜色。, 旧书下马;下车;停落 [I] , 例句: ,The birds lit on the branches.,鸟儿停落在树枝上。, 二、词义辨析: , kindle,fire,ignite,light ,这些动词均含“点燃、着火”之意。kindle指艰难或缓慢地把可燃料点燃,可用于比喻。fire普通用词,指将某物点燃使其燃烧起来,火势可大可小。ignite多用于科技文体,指使某物受热直到燃烧或发光,也可指用火花使易燃物迅速燃烧起来。 light普通用词,指点燃易燃物,使其能发光,满足各种需要。, 三、词义辨析: , blaze,flame,flare,glow,glare,flash,glitter,inkle,light ,这些名词均含有“火焰、烈火、光”之意。blaze指猛烈燃烧所发生强烈的光。flame指一条或多条火舌,多用复数形式,指由许多火舌构成的大火。flare指摇曳的火焰。glow指像冶炼铁和钢时发出的红光。glare指眩目的光。flash指突然发出而随即消失的闪光。glitter指连续发出闪烁不定的光。inkle指如星光等的闪烁。 light普通用词,指日、月、星或灯等的光。, 四、词义辨析: , lamp,light ,这两个名词均有“灯”之意。lamp通常指以油、气或电为能源的照明设备,一般有罩。light普通用词,含义广泛。泛指一切供照明的灯,多指电灯。, 一、相关短语: ,arc light,n. 弧光灯,beam of light,n. 光束,e to light,v.暴露 被发现,众所周知,green light,n. 绿灯,放行,准许,leading light,n.重要人物,light air,n.[气] 一级风,light breeze,n.[气] 二级风,light up,v.1.照亮,亮起来 2.点菸,开始吸菸 3.(使)变得喜悦,(使)兴奋起来 4.开街灯或车灯,navigation light,n.飞机夜航时机身上的灯光,航行灯,red light,n.危险信号,(十字路口的交通)红灯,(车辆等的)尾灯, (旧时以红灯作为标志)妓院,red-light district,n. 红灯区(城镇中的妓院区),see the light,领悟,领会;问世,出版, 一、参考例句: ,Light e, light go.,来得容易,去得快。,Light stimulates plant growth.,光会 *** 植物生长。,The light is on.,灯在亮着。,Project a light beam.,投射一束光线。,I enjoy light wine.,我爱喝清淡的酒。,I like light music.,我喜欢轻音乐。,Light enough to read.,可以看书的亮度。,Please light the candle.,点燃蜡烛吧。,This glaring light hurts eyes.,这耀眼的灯光伤眼睛。,She is light of foot.,她脚步轻快。



1、A light burning.


2、Fishing by lamplight;lamplight fishing.


3、The room is dimly lit.


4、Kelly was dazzled by the lights.


5、There is a quietness and warmth of a lamplight inside a small train stop.


6、The Maya hardware renderer now supports negative lighting.


7、The epitome of the fine art of living and of presentation is thoroughly shown in the lamplight art fresco.


8、A short,comic vaudeville skit that ends with lights off.


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