红酒醋和黑醋的酿制也有点相似,红、白葡萄葡萄榨汁之后发酵,之后会因为醋酸菌的作用下转化成醋,注入木桶陈年几年左右入樽上市。颜色上像玫瑰红酒味道也较接近一般的白醋,不过还是比较一般白醋纯一点点和有点香味。一般用作有肉的沙律作沙律汁。例如凯撒沙律中一般也有烟肉、鸡肉等材料,凯撒沙律的沙律汁便是用红酒醋作基调做出来的了。,参考: me,黑醋是意大利摩德纳的特产,颜色深啡黑色的醋。,red wine vinegar: ideal for salad dressings and marinades. use in chutney and relish, enhance the flavour of sauces and mayonnaise.
Balsamic vinegar: The unique and traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena, Italy is made from the 'must' (unfermented juice) of mainly the Trebbiano grape, other grapes used are Lambrusco, Ancellotta, Sauvignon and Sgavetta. These 'musts' cannot have anything added. The must is then boiled down in open pots over a direct flame.
Commercial grade balsamic vinegar can be used in salad dressings, marinades and sauces. Cooks use tradizionale and condimento vinegars in *** all amounts in simple dishes where the balsamic vinegar's plex tastes can be noted. Young vinegars (3 – 5 years) are used in salad dressing while mid-aged balsamic vinegars (6 – 12 years) are used to enhance sauces, pastas and risottos. Old vinegars (12 years plus), which are very rich and thick, are used sparsely to enhance plain meat or fish, fresh fruit such as strawberries or even drunk from a *** all glass to conclude a meal. when you buy balsamice vinegar read their label.. cos different label got different taste n use
I like to use balsamic vinegar to roast chicken.. it make it the chicken sweet, juicy, tender ^^
2007-05-04 11:59:20 补充:
sry if not balsamic vinegar then i have no idea whats 意大利黑醋,参考: inter, me n my 8+ vinegars,
白醋是烹调的酸味辅料,色泽透亮、酸味醇正。除了3-5%醋酸和水之外不含或极少含其他成分。以蒸馏过的酒发酵制成,或直接用食品级别的醋酸兑制。 无色,味道单纯。用于烹调,腌制酸辣菜、酸萝卜等风味小吃,也可用做家用清洁剂,例如清洗咖啡机内部的积垢。
黑醋是高粱发酵酿造而成的,富含多种矿物质和多种氨基酸。经常适量地饮用有降低血脂,降低血液粘度,降低胆固醇,推迟和消除疲劳,调解血液的酸碱平衡, 帮助消化,利于吸收等功效。能帮助人有效的摄入钙质。 预防衰老。 增强肠胃道的杀菌能力。 增强肝脏机能。 扩张血管,防止心血管疾病、糖尿病的发生。 增强肾功能。
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