俄罗斯6550 ◆ 主要特点: *面板为8mm喷砂铝面板 。 x+or7{ s0*2mm的超厚冷轧板“无缝”机壳采用进口数冲、数弯机加工一次成形,工艺精细、巧夺天工。贵港快乐网B6JuP%H6N *开模加工的全拉伸变压器壳,漂亮之极。 B2QK+AHpH ]0* 推挽合并胆机中少见的胆整流运用,使其胆味更浓。贵港快乐网#G1k'BzY-_:@ *二十余年的输出变压器绕制技术经验的积累,奠定了靓声的基础。。贵港快乐网j#T8~ N@!in~P_ M *补品如云:日本ALPS高档蓝壳全密封电位器、日本ALPS 输入选择开关、英国贵族电源开关、法国苏伦电容、日本ELPS发烧卧式收藏级绝版电容、日本红寳石和化工电解、日本保险管巨型电木座及台湾24K镀金琥珀式接线柱和RCA插座等使其音质锦上添花。贵港快乐网o Vb/DC *末级不计成本的使用俄罗斯管6550EH,使其音质更通透,低频下潜更深,电子管使用更经久耐用。贵港快乐网3J:m.gV,o *该机驱动力强、音场庞大,音色圆润流畅、丰满醇厚,贵气十足。三极管接法宜听人声、弦乐类型音乐,超线性接法宜听大动态类型音乐。可推动各类中低效率音箱。 U Xb DC)zi0贵港快乐网Y { q"gi%?9n2t No. 6550 合并机参数:贵港快乐网Ur Y(v-v9n 输出功率:三极管:30Wx2贵港快乐网f2cp;@tPm4cb1Y 超线性:60W x2 x/o/d5](aq0频率响应:13Hz—60KHz (-1dB)贵港快乐网6U#F A%X9f/^ bl 信噪比:89dB(不计权)贵港快乐网oy M%m d@&\ 谐波失真:0.1%贵港快乐网}R4G"X0HI-C;j9w.F 输入灵敏度:500mv贵港快乐网0R.k dQ ~{2O's'\3rl 输出选择:二组 +u`&\n#ms5P"qK0输入选择:三组 (e n0nQA0输出阻抗: 8Ω、4Ω ,]ro:L@#Q8pj0输入阻抗:100KΩ贵港快乐网L JdZ\N3cN 体积:436(长)X 350(深) X 165(高)mm }&Ua:l3x7[f5f s%^0电子管:前级6N9P X 2 推动6N8P X 2 整流管:5Z3P X 2 ^~#F{ FC:v0末级:俄罗斯6550EH X 4 ndg+I!U:dD0重量:25Kg C` R7t[H a0 9?n*I,S0kT0G0
aaa AAA
? acl Specify ACL configuration information
? alarm ? Enter the alarm view
? anti-attack Specify anti-attack configurations
? application-apperceive? Set application-apperceive information
? arp ARP module
? arp-miss Specify ARP MISS configuration information
? arp-suppress Specify arp suppress configuration information,
? default is disabled
? authentication ? Authentication
? autoconfig ? AutoConfig configuration information
? bfd Specify BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)
? configuration information
? bgp Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
? bootrom BootRom
? bpdu BPDU message
? btv Btv view
? bulk-file ? Specify the file name of bulk statistics
? bulk-stat ? Set bulk statistics
? capture-packet ? Capture-packet
? ccc Circuit cross connection
? cfm Connectivity fault management
? clear ? Cancel current configuration
? cluster Specify the information for cluster configuration
? command-privilege ? Specify the command level
? configuration ? Configuration interlock
? configuration-occupied? Configuration exclusive occupied
? cp-car ? Cpu car setting
? cpu-defend ? Configure CPU defend policy
? cpu-defend-policy ? Configure CPU defend policy
? cpu-usage ? Set cpu usage configuration
? dhcp Dynamic host configure protocol
? dhcp-snooping ? DHCP snooping
? dhcpv6 ? Dynamic host configure protocol version 6
? diffserv Specify diffserv parameters
? display Display priority information
? dldp Device link detection protocol?
? dns Specify domain name system
? domain ? Default domain
? dot1x ? 802.1x configuration information
? drop Discard attribute
? drop-profile Drop profile
? dsa Specify DSA module configurations
? e-trunk E-Trunk
? ecmp ECMP
? efm EFM module
? erps Ethernet ring protection switching
? error-down ? The interface was shut down because of an error event
? event ? Enter the event view
? execute Batch command
? fib FIB status and configuration information
? file Specify file system configuration information
? ftp Set the FTP server attributes
? garp Generic Attribute Registration Protocol
? gtsm The generalized TTL security mechanism
? gvrp Generic VLAN Registration Protocol
? header ? Define the login banner
? hwtacacs
? hwtacacs-server
? icmp Specify ICMP configuration information
? icmp-reply ? Enable ICMP reply fast
? igmp Specify IGMP configuration information
? igmp-snooping ? Specify parameters for IGMP-Snooping
? info-center Specify message output configuration information
? interface ? Specify the interface configuration view
? ip ? Specify IP configurations for the system
? ipv4 Configure ip packet
? ipv6 Enable IPv6 functionality
? isis Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS)
? routes
? keychain Keychain authentication
? l2-topology Layer 2 topology
? l2protocol-tunnel ? Layer 2 protocol tunnel
? lacp Link aggregation control protocol
? lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol
? load-balance Specify load balance mode
? loopback-detect Loopback detect function
? lspv Lsp verification
? mac-address Mac address
? mac-authen ? MAC authenticate configure information
? mac-forced-forwarding? Mac-Forced Forwarding
? mac-learning MAC learning
? mac-spoofing-defend MAC spoofing defend
? matched Is Command can be matched by upper template
? mip Configure a rule used to create MIP
? mld-snooping Specify parameters for MLD-Snooping
? monitor-link Monitor link configuration information
? mpls Specify MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching)
? configuration information
? mpls-qos MPLS QoS
? msdp Specify MSDP(Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)
? configuration information
? mtrace ? Trace route to multicast source
? multicast ? Multicast information
? nap NAP protocol
? nd ? Neighbor discovery
? ndp Neighbor discovery protocol
? nqa Network Quality Analysis(NQA)
? nqa-jitter ? Switch NQA jitter version
? nqa-server ? Specify NQA echo server
? ntdp Network topology discovery protocol
? ntp-service Specify NTP (Network Time Protocol) configuration
? information
? oam-mgr Oam-mgr view
? observe-port Configure observe port feature
? ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
? ospfv3 ? OSPF version 3 for IPv6
? pim Specify PIM(Protocol Independent Multicast)
? configuration information
? ping Ping function
? policy-based-route ? Specify a policy for policy based routing
? port-group ? Port-group
? port-isolate Port isolate
? port-mirroring ? Mirror port
? portal ? Configure Portal local server
? portswitch ? Switch port between router and switch mode
? pppoe ? PPPOE
? pw-template Specify PW template configuration
? qos QoS configuration
? quit Exit from current command view
? radius-server ? Add or delete RADIUS server template
? refresh Refresh routes to I/O board
? reset ? Reset operation
? return ? Exit to user view
? rip RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
? ripng ? RIPng (Routing information next generation protocol)
? rmon Specify RMON configuration
? rmon2 ? Specify RMON2 configuration
? route ? Routing Module
? route-policy Route-policy
? route-policy-change Specify route policy change parameter
? router ? Configure router information
? rrpp Rapid ring protection protocol
? rsa Specify RSA module configuration information
? scp Set SCP server
? screen-width Set screen width
? script-string ? Define a modem script-string
? sep Smart ethernet protection
? service Toggle service mode. By default it is off
? set Set
? sftp Set SFTP service attribute
? smart-link ? Smart link configuration information
? snmp-agent ? Specify SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
? configuration information
? ssh Set the SSH (secure shell) configuration attribute
? stack ? Stack
? static-lsp ? Static LSP configuration
? stelnet Set Stelnet service attribute
? stp Specify Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) configuration
? information
? super ? Modify super password parameters
? sysname Specify the host name
? tcp Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)
? configuration information
? telnet ? Set the status of the Telnet service
? temperature Device temperature
? test-aaa Accounts test
? test-packet Set the test packet
? tftp Establish a TFTP connection
? tftp-server TFTP server
? time-range ? Specify time-range configuration information
? trace ? Trace route (switch) to host on Data Link Layer
? tracert Trace route to host
? traffic Specify traffic configuration information
? traffic-delete ? Delete sacl
? traffic-filter ? Filter packets based on acl
? traffic-limit ? Limit the rate of the packets based on acl
? traffic-mirror ? Mirror packets based on acl
? traffic-policy ? Apply specific traffic policy
? traffic-redirect Redirect packets based on acl
? traffic-remark ? Remark packets based on acl
? traffic-statistic ? Count packets based on acl
? trunk ? Trunk interface
? ttl Time to live
? tunnel-selector Tunnel-policy selector
? udp-helper ? UDP Helper
? undo Cancel current configuration
? unknown-unicast Unknown unicast
? upgrade Upgrade software online
? user-bind ? User bind
? user-group ? User group
? user-interface ? Configure the user terminal interface
? vlan Virtual LAN
? voice-vlan ? Voice VLAN
? vrrp Specify configuration information about VRRP
? web-auth-server Portal authentication server
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