
我在一本参考书上看见说只能说give it to me不能说give me it

乐乐1年前 (2023-12-20)阅读数 7#综合百科

“在一本参考书上看见说只能说give it to me不能说give me it”


象give,offer,hand,pass 等动词,都有两种典型用法:

即 give/offer/hand/pass sth to sb

give/offer/hand/pass sb sth 一般多用名词,很少或不直接用代词

例如:pass me the book=pass the book to me。

但是用代词时,习惯用pass it to me.这一规定也适合于“动词+介词/副词”的动词短语。如:give it up;put it away;throw them away。


report,suggest,explain sth to sb。原因是,这类动词后面习惯接事物名词,而不直接跟表示人的名词或代词。




1、give, pass, lend, show, send, hand,write和bring8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上“to”。即“vt. + sth. + to + sb.” 如:He lent some money to me.类似动词的还有:get,mail,offer,owe(借),pay,promise,read,sell,take,teach,等

2、“buy”(买);“draw”(画);“make”(制作)三个动词,在直接宾语前置时,则必须在后边加“for”,构成“vt. + sth. + for + sb.”。如:Mother bought a new dress for me。类似的动词还有:build,choose,cook,cut,do,find,fix,leave,order(订购),reach等。


Richard made it for him。理查德为他做的这个东西

Give it to me。把它给我


I asked John. 我问约翰

I asked a question. 我问了一个问题

I asked John a question.我问了约翰一个问题


Could you explain your point of view to us?

=Could youexplain to us your point of view?


①a. The boss entrusted him with the job.

  b. The boss entrusted the job to him.

②a. He tried to impress the new idea on us.

  b. He tried to impress us with the new idea.

③a. A general should inspire his soldiers with great courage.

  b. A general should inspire great courage in his soldiers.


④a. Who introduced John to you?

  b. Who introduced John into the new office?

⑤a. We warned him of the hazard.

  b. We warned him against the hazard.

(a. 指存在的危险;b. 指可能的危险)

⑥a. When compared with each other, there are differences between the twins.

  b. We may compare the heart to a pump.

  (a. 指同类人或物对比;b.指两样不同东西互相比拟)

⑦a. Helen was disappointed of the prize.

  b. Helen was disappointed in the prize.(a. 指没得奖而失望;b. 指对所得的奖不满而失望)

⑧a. The cake is allied to the flour.

  b. Is Taiwan allied with America?

我在一本参考书上看见说只能说give it to me不能说give me it

(a.指两样东西有关联;b. 指两个国家有联盟关系)


⑨ The police cautioned the tourists of the danger ahead.(警惕)

⑩ Can a doctor cure June of her chronic illness?(医治)

● The company has to compensate its staff for their losses.(弥补)

● No one can deprive a citizen of his human right.(剥夺)


● I hope you will avail yourself of the golden opportunity. (利用)

● My friends often pride themselves on their rare achievements.(以……自豪)

● Jill knows how to insinuate herself into her boss's favour.(向……献媚取宠)

● We look down on those ingratiating themselves with their superiors.(讨好……)

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)


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