
【词语辨析】teach/instruct/educate/coach/train/tutor 的英文释义

泡在奶味里1年前 (2023-12-20)阅读数 8#综合百科

过去式 taught 过去分词 taught 现在分词 teaching

a. to tell or show(someone)how to do something 侧重传播知识和帮助应用知识,含义比较广泛

b.to give instruction or lessons in (a subject) to (students)

c.to cause to learn or understand: life has taught[tt] me seize[si?z]? the day

d. teach someone a lesson —? to warn or punish someone:a bully has to be taught a lesson 欺凌弱小者必须受到教训

过去式 instructed 过去分词 instructed 现在分词 instructing

a.to order to do something 命令

b.to teach someone how to do something 正式语,侧重系统、详细、精心的传播知识,侧重教授与指示

c.to brief(a solicitor[s?'l?s?t?]? or barrister['b?r?st?]) 向律师做简要的说明

过去式 educated 过去分词 educated 现在分词 educating

a.to teach someone over a long period of time so that he or she acquires[?'kwa]? knowledge and understanding of a range of subjects 正式语,内容最广泛,侧重学习的动机或结果,以及学习潜能的开发

b.to send someone to a particular educantional establishment: he was educated at mission schools

c.to teach someone about a particular matter['m?t?]? :a campaign to educate people to the dangers of smoking


过去式 coached 过去分词 coached 现在分词 coaching

a.to train or teach 对个人或小组进行辅导、训练、补课


a.a large comfortable single-decker bus used for sightseeing or long-distance travel

b.a railway carriage

c.a large four-wheeled enclosed carriage usually house-drawn

e.a trainer or instructor:the coach of the Mexican national team

f. a tutor['tju?t?]? who prepares students for examinations


过去式 trained 过去分词 trained 现在分词 training

a.to instruct(someone)in a skill:soldiers are trained to obey?[?(?)'be?] orders unquestioningly 训练士兵使他们无条件服从命令

b.to learn the skills needed to do a particualr job or activity:she was training to be a computer programmer 训练、培养某种技能

c.to do exercises and prepare for a specific purpose['pp?s]?:he was training for a marathon 他在做马拉松训练

d.to focus on or aim[e?m]? at sth.:the warship kept its guns trained on the trawler['trl?]

e.to discipline(an animal) to obey commands or perform tricks?

f.to tie or prune(a plant)so that it grows in a particular way:he had trained the roses to grow up the wall


a.a line of railway coaches or wagons coupled together and drawn by a engine

b.a sequence['si?kw(?)ns]? or series:following an earlier train of thought 遵循早期的思路

c.the long back section of a dress that trails along the floor

d. in its train 结果 —as a consequence:economic mismanagement brought unemployment and inflation in its train

e. in train —actually happening or being done:the programme of reforms set in train by the new goverment

【词语辨析】teach/instruct/educate/coach/train/tutor 的英文释义


a.of or by a train:the long train journey North


a.a teacher,usually one instructing individual pupils 进行个别教学的老师

b.(at college or university)a member of staff responsible for the teaching and supervision of a certain number of students 辅导员(负责一定数量的学生的教学和监督工作) 侧重课下辅导


过去式 tutored 过去分词 ?tutored 现在分词 ?tutoring

a.to act as a tutor to someone

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