

一语惊醒梦中人1年前 (2023-12-21)阅读数 8#综合百科


When you come to study at Rensselaer, you will benefit from a proud legacy of bold exploration. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute was established in 1824 as the first technological university in the English-speaking world.

The Institute was organized around a concept considered quite radical for the time: that students should actively engage with their studies by performing experiments and exploring other participatory forms of learning, rather than sitting passively in lectures.

Rensselaer is a diverse community of dreamers and doers who share several characteristics. They are drawn to the sciences and technology, and to disciplines ranging from architecture and business to literature. They love to tackle complex problems, and they have a sincere desire to improve the world.

Yet the people of Rensselaer are true individuals: everyone who comes here seeks a pathway to greatness that is uniquely his or her own.

As a Rensselaer student, you will walk in the footsteps of pioneers—and become one. You will enjoy access to world-class research facilities, and work alongside exceptionally talented researchers on challenges that range from eradicating cholera to combating global climate change.






Rensselaer Medal Scholarship


* A scholarship opportunity worth $100,000 for outstanding math and science students.

For more than 100 years, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in conjunction with high schools around the world, has awarded the Rensselaer Medal to promising secondary school students who have distinguished themselves in mathematics and science.

The Medal was first presented in 1916 with two purposes: to recognize the superlative academic achievement of young men and women, and to motivate students toward careers in science, engineering, and technology.

This merit scholarship, with a value of $25,000 per year, is guaranteed for four years (five years for the B.Arch. program or the Co-Terminal Program) for each medalist who is accepted and enrolls at Rensselaer.

Each participating high school is allowed to select one member of the junior class to be honored with the Rensselaer Medal Award. The responsibility for designating the Rensselaer Medalist belongs to faculty and staff within the secondary school. Once school officials have made their selection, they should submit their choice online via the password-protected medal website.

Once the selection is received at Rensselaer, an award certificate is mailed to the school for presentation at a school assembly. If the student applies, is accepted, and enrolls, the official Rensselaer Medallion will be presented during Honors Convocation in the fall of the first year at Rensselaer.

Find out if your school is a participating Medal school. Selection information for the Class of 2018 (current juniors) was sent out in March 2017. Online selections for the Class of 2018 (current juniors) were due May 1, 2017. ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 15!***


*金额:100,000 美元,提供给数学和科学成绩突出的学生。



这项优秀奖学金每年金额为25,000 美元,期限为四年(建筑学学术课程和共终端课程五年),颁发给被录取并注册伦斯勒理工学院的学生。




Transfer Scholarships

Rensselaer offers transfer students a wide range of aid options and a staff of financial aid professionals who will work with you to devise the best solutions.

In an effort to distribute funds equitably, it is Rensselaer’s policy not to combine multiple merit scholarships in any one financial aid award. Students who receive the Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Award (the Rensselaer Medal) in high school, or who have already earned a bachelor’s degree are not eligible for these scholarships. Special merit scholarships will be incorporated into need-based packages if financial need is demonstrated by the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE applications.

Unless otherwise noted, all the scholarships below provide a minimum of $18,000 per academic year and are renewable. Generally speaking, the maximum number of semesters a student may receive the award is dependent on the individual’s credits that transfer. For example, a student who would be transferring as a junior would receive 4 semesters of eligibility, 6 if participating in our Co-Terminal Program.

Affiliated Two-Year and Community Colleges

The Award for Excellence

This scholarship is for the top student transferring into a non-engineering program from two-year affiliated colleges and universities.

The Joseph H. Smith Jr. ’45 Award

This award was created for the most outstanding student in the engineering science program at our affiliated community colleges. Generally, the award is presented to the qualifying student with the highest cumulative average.

Four-Year Affiliated Colleges and Universities

The Award for Excellence

Awarded to the top student transferring to our engineering program from each of our four-year affiliated colleges and universities.

Two- and Four-Year Affiliated Colleges

The Garnet D. Baltimore Rensselaer Award and Scholarship for Minority Students

This annual scholarship is awarded to the qualifying African American, Hispanic, or Native American student with the highest combined average in mathematics and science at each of our two- and four-year affiliated colleges.

Phi Theta Kappa Society Scholarship

Phi Theta Kappa recognizes intellectual achievement in American two-year colleges. All Theta Kappa Society transfer students who are accepted and subsequently enroll at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will receive the $5,000 annual scholarship.

PLEASE NOTE : If a student earns multiple Rensselaer merit scholarships, the university will award the highest merit award for which the student is qualified, but does not combine multiple awards. Total Rensselaer provided scholarships and/or tuition benefits may not exceed tuition.



为了资金发放的公平起见,伦斯勒理工学院的政策不允许将多项优秀奖学金结合。在高中获得学院数学和科学奖(勋章奖)的学生和已经获得学士学位证书的学生不符合这些奖学金的资格。特殊的优秀奖学金将包含在以需求为基础的资助方案中,这种情况要求你通过“学生援助免费申请”和 CSS 简介证明有经济需求。

除非另有说明,以下的所有奖学金每学年金额不低于18000美元,并且可以更新。一般来说,你能在多少个学期里获得奖学金取决于你的可转学分的数量。举个例子来说,如果你转学为大三学生,那么你可以获得四个学期的奖学金;如果你参加我们的 Co-Terminal 项目,那么你可以获得六个学期的奖学金。




约瑟夫H.斯密斯Jr. ’45 Award






Garnet D. Baltimore 伦斯勒奖学金(少数民族学生)


Phi Theta Kappa 联合会奖学金

Phi Theta Kappa 认可美国两年制学院学生的智力成绩。所有的Theta Kappa联合会转学生如果被录取并且接下来在伦斯勒理工学院注册,都将可以获得每年5000美元的奖学金。

请注意 :如果你获得多项奖学金,学校将只给你发放金额最高的那一项,而不会结合多项奖学金发给你。你能获得的总的奖学金和/或学费福利数额不得超过学费。


在中国,SM有一个更为温暖的称呼:虐恋。虐恋一词英文为Sadomasochism,是施虐倾向(Sadism)和受虐倾向(Masochism)二者的合成词。它的简写即我们通常所说的SM。虐恋现象最早发现于17世纪末,首先出现在文学活动和一些商业性虐待服务中。最早的虐恋文学当然首推法国作家萨德(Sade)和奥地利作家马索克(Masoch)的作品,Sadomasochism一词即是由心理学家艾宾(Richard von


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