驱逐舰 Destroyer DD
轻巡洋舰 Light Cruiser CL
重巡洋舰 Heavy Cruiser CA
战列舰 Battleship BB
重炮(潜水重炮舰) bm
正规航母 Aircraft Carrier CVA
轻航母 Light Carrier CVL
水上机母 Seaplane Carrier AV
carrier vessle。前者是运载器的意思,后者是船舶之意。如果后缀还要加个N,CVN,是核动力航母的意思。N就表示 Nuclear核动力.
潜水艇 Submarine SS
潜母 Submarine Tender AS
补给舰 Fast Combat Support Ship AOE
是啥意思的缩写网络用语:“菜鸟”比喻很废 :网络用语:“处女”或“ *** ”
ORV是什么的缩写,是啥意思ORV是Off-Road Vehicle的缩写,也就是越野车 ,是一种为越野而特别设计的汽车,主要是指可在崎岖地面使用的越野车辆这些汽车能在质量很差的路面或者根本没有路的地区上行驶。
Off Road Vehicles的缩写是什么?是啥意思?为您解答
SBTX是啥意思 TX是什么的缩写?
*** 是什么词的缩写?是啥意思?SM Single Mode
****** SM Small (size)
****** SM Service Mark
****** SM Smooth Muscle (biology)
****** SM Santa Maria (California)
****** SM Surface Mount
****** SM Sales Manager
****** SM Sailor Moon (anime)
****** SM San Marino
****** SM Smart Media (data storage)
****** SM Shopping Mall
****** SM Slave Master
****** SM Sheet Metal
****** SM Senior Member
****** SM Santa Monica (California)
****** SM Systems Management
****** SM Super Mario (Nintendo game)
****** SM System Management
****** SM Service manager (US DoD)
****** SM Sutton (postcode, United Kingdom)
****** SM Superman
****** SM Submarine
****** SM Security Management
****** SM Service Module (Russian-made unit No 2 of International Space Station)
****** SM Service Module (power/propulsion section of US Apollo spacecraft)
****** SM Senior Manager
****** SM Silver Medal
****** SM Master of Science
****** SM Serbia and Montenegro
****** SM Service Menu
****** SM Shared Memory
****** SM Short Message
****** SM Simple Minds (band)
****** SM Samarium
***** SM Singlemode
***** SM Security Manager
***** SM Sergeant Major
***** SM Size Matters
***** SM Servicing Mission
***** SM System Monitor
***** SM Scientific Method
***** SM Shader Model
***** SM Scheduled Maintenance
***** SM System Manager
***** SM Skim Milk
***** SM Skymiles (Delta Frequent Flyer Program)
***** SM Snail-Mail
***** SM Stepmania (dance simulator)
***** SM Service Member
***** SM Segundamano (second hand bargain stores in the Philippines)
***** SM Shoot Me
***** SM Shawn Michaels (Pro Wrestler)
***** SM Semiconductor Manufacturing
***** SM Sado-Masochi ***
***** SM Sa Majesté (French: His/Her Majesty)
***** SM Support Manager
***** SM Senior Minister
***** SM Shoe Mart
***** SM Stormed
***** SM Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts of America)
***** SM Syringomyelia (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
***** SM Su Majestad (Spanish: His/Her Majesty)
***** SM Shoemart (Manila, Philippines)
***** SM Smash Mouth (band)
***** SM Shure Microphone
***** SM Super Metroid (video game)
***** SM Saint Marc (French School; Alexandria, Egypt)
***** SM Self-Mutilation
***** SM Structural Model
***** SM Selective Muti *** (anxiety disorder)
***** SM Schistosoma Mansoni
***** SM Shuttle Mission (NASA)
***** SM Serratia Marcescens
***** SM Syndicat de La Magistrature (French: Union of Magistrates)
***** SM Servomotor
***** SM Set Mode
***** SM Super Metroid (game)
***** SM Switching Module
***** SM Selective Media (cell plating)
***** SM Spare Me
***** SM Secondary Mirror
***** SM Simple Machine
***** SM Security Monitor
***** SM SourceMod (gaming)
***** SM Styrene Monomer
**** SM Synchronous Motor
**** SM Shigeru Miyamoto (video game producer)
**** SM Swollen Members (band)
**** SM Shawn Marion (NBA Player)
**** SM Structure Model
**** SM Silver Medallion (Delta Sky Miles)
**** SM Super Mall (Philippines)
**** SM Surgical Margin
**** SM Selling Manager (Ebay selling tool)
**** SM Small Manufacturing
**** SM Satellite Modem
**** SM Simple Multicast (puter neorking)
**** SM Sclerosis Multiplex (Latin: Multiple Sclerosis)
**** SM Samarai
**** SM Song Meanings
**** SM Samsung Motors
**** SM Security Manual
**** SM Secretaría de Marina (Spanish: Secretariat of the Navy, Mexico)
**** SM Spiritual Master (religion)
**** SM Synthetic Media (cell plating)
**** SM Seamless Mobility
**** SM Student Manager
**** SM Single Manager
**** SM Scanning Mode
**** SM Soo Man (record pany)
**** SM Supply Manual
**** SM Scattering Matrix
**** SM Sciences de La Matière (French: Science of Matter)
**** SM Study Manager
**** SM Smart Munitions
**** SM Single-Family and Multi-Family (zoning)
**** SM Shanghai Municipality
**** SM Spectromètre de Masse (French: Mass Spectrometer)
**** SM Shipping Manifest
*** SM Seung Mina
*** SM Strong Mad (homestarrunner. character)
*** SM Slam Magazine
*** SM Supervisor Manual
*** SM Separation Module
*** SM Silhouette Mirage (video game)
*** SM Standby Monitor
*** SM Script Mode
*** SM Seine Majest?t (German: His Majesty)
*** SM Subscriber Manager (Cisco)
*** SM Scarlet Monastary (World of Warcraft game)
*** SM Shading Model (change detector)
*** SM Skyscraper Museum
*** SM Sensitivity Measure
*** SM Synchronous Multiplexer (Alcatel)
*** SM Societas Mariae (Society of Mary, Marianists, religious order)
*** SM Sarao Motors (manufacturer of passenger Jeepneys in the Philippines)
*** SM SONET Multiplexer (Alcatel)
*** SM Scatterable Mine
*** SM Short Meter (hymnology)
*** SM Support Magistrate (courts)
*** SM Smagorinsky model
*** SM Secretary's Memorandum (US DoD Joint Staff)
** SM Sequence Monitor
** SM Shrine Mont (Orkney Springs, VA)
** SM Slave Motor
** SM Surge Margin (pressor aerodynamics)
** SM Sub-Memory
** SM Step-Mom/Mother
** SM Swine Mycopla *** osis (swine enzootic pneumonia)
** SM Safeguards Measurements
** SM Suger Montano (Guatemala Central America, school)
** SM Syndicat de La Mesure (French: Union of Measure)
** SM Shoals Music (music industry magazine)
** SM Systèmes Microbiens (French: Microbial Systems)
** SM Directorate for Systems Management
** SM Siemens Metering AG
** SM Suomen Mestari/Mestaruus (Finnish Champion/Championship)
** SM Step/Stepping Motor
** SM Sponge Minion (Harry Potter)
* SM (USN Rating) Signalman
* SM Serial Magnitude
* SM Sperm Measurement
* SM Steele Matrix
* SM Silly Muffins (viral video service)
* SM Simple Mastectomy (surgical procedure)
* SM Sphingomyelin (protein)
* SM Spider Man
* SM Spiderman
* SM Spinal Meningitis
* SM Spectrum Management
* SM Space Mapping
* SM Space Marine (Warhammer 40k)
* SM Space Mirror
* SM Space Mountain (Disney park)
* SM Spatial Multiplexing
* SM Special Mention (variant of OAEM and OLEM)
* SM Special Message
* SM Special Missions
* SM Special Monthly
* SM Specification Manual
* SM Society of Mary (Marists, religious order)
* SM Soft Money
* SM Sofare Manager (KPA of CMM monly used by SEI)
* SM Soil Moisture (agronomy)
* SM Solar Mass (astronomy)
* SM Solder Mask (semiconductor process)
* SM Soldier's Manual
* SM Soldier's Medal
* SM Soul Man (song)
* SM Soul Master (gaming)
* SM Soul Mate
* SM Snooker Master (USDAA dog agility title)
* SM Social Mobility (sociology)
* SM Splash Mountain
* SM Stick Man
* SM Stipendiary Magistrate (Australia and New Zealand)
* SM Stock Market
* SM Stanley Man (brokerage firm)
* SM Star Museum (Entertainment; South Korean entertainment pany)
* SM Stardust Memory (Gundam)
请问 That't是啥意思,是that谁的缩写that's
英 [?ts] 美 [?ts]
abbr.那是 (=that is)
that's的用法和样例: that's that就这样
即兴的, 临时穿插的
ad-.libbed, ad-.lib.bing, ad-.libs
To improvise and deliver extemporaneously.
To engage in improvisation, as during delivery of a speech.
AB是什么的缩写?AB代表是啥意思?AB是Asiabill的缩写,全称ASIABILL COMPANY LIMITED,一家做跨境支付的平台
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