
Language in use 是什么意思英译汉

一语惊醒梦中人1年前 (2023-12-22)阅读数 6#综合百科

Language in use





Language is a tool in use can be strengthened and consolidated.



It is a good practice to amature their language in use and increase the interest.


当"use" 和"usage"都作名词时,有什么区别吗?

1 使用中的语言 是语料库语言学概念,指真实文本中的语言 2 语言运用句子可以脱离语境而独立存在,是离境化的,而语篇常用被定义为语言的使用,即语篇是语言在一定场合中被使用的现象,是语言的具体使用,体现了语言作为一种交际工具被用来传递意义的功能 例句用法 Pragmatics ——the study of language in use or context. 对语境中语言运用的研究)。 "Default" is a quite common phenomenon in language use. 省略是一种普遍的言语现象。 Euphemism is a very important aspect of language in use. 委婉语是语言使用的一个重要组成部分。 But only a few kilometres away another language was in use. 但是走出十几里外,那里却在使用着另一种语言。 There is no universal written Romani language in use by all Roma. 吉普赛语中没有通用的文字供所有吉普赛人使用 谢谢采纳祝楼主学习进步



Language in use 是什么意思英译汉


1. the act of employing, using, or putting into service:使用的这个动作

例: the use of tools.

2. the state of being employed or used. 被使用的这个状态

3. an instance or way of employing or using something: 使用什么东西的实际使用事例或者使用方法

例: proper use of the tool; the painter's use of color.

4. a way of being employed or used; a purpose for which something is used: 被使用的方式或目的

例: He was of temporary use. The instrument has different uses.

5. the power, right, or privilege of employing or using something: 使用什么东西的权利

例: to lose the use of the right eye; to be denied the use of a library card.

6. service or advantage in or for being employed or used; utility or usefulness: 实际使用/利用或者实用性/使用价值

例: of no practical use.

7. help; profit; resulting good: 帮助、收益、收获

例: What's the use of pursuing the matter?


1. a customary way of doing something; a custom or practice: 做什么的习惯方法,惯例

例: the usages of the last 50 years.

2. the customary manner in which a language or a form of a language is spoken or written: 语言的习惯用法

例: English usage; a grammar based on usage rather than on arbitrarynotions of correctness.

3. a particular instance of this: 作为上面第2条解释的使用事例

例: a usage borrowed from French.

4. any manner of doing or handling something; treatment: 做什么的方式方法

例: rough usage.

5. habitual or customary use; long-continued practice: 习惯用法

例: immemorial usage.

6. an act of using or employing; use. 使用什么的这个动作, 同"use"


The nouns usage and use are related in origin and meaning and to some extent overlap in their use. Usage usually refers to habitual or customary practices or procedures: Some usages of the Anglican Church are similar to those of the Roman Catholic Church. It is also commonly used in reference to language practices: English usage is divided in the pronunciation of aunt. Use refers to the act of using or employing (something): She put her extramoney to good use. Perhaps in the belief that it is the more impressive term, usage is sometimes used where use would be more natural: Has your usage of a personal computer made the work any easier?


就是usage听起来比use更"炫酷" 好些人本来应该用use更自然的地方也换成usage用

就好像好多人动词use的时候能换utilize就换 显得高水平 但是其实并不必要或者不对

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