help 的用法
首先要说的是「I help promote this project to customers」一句绝对没有错。 help 的用法是 help + object + (to) infinitive ,如 I help you (to) do something。当中的「to」是可有可无的,请看《Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary》里「help」的例句。 dictionary.cambridge/define?key=36652&dict=CALD 为何会有两个 verb ?因为第二个 verb 是叫做「infinitive without to」,亦即是第一个 verb 后是直接接原形动词。这样的句法比较少见,但有些 verb 后面一定不可以加 to ,如: The Chinese ernment doesn't let us vote for our own CE. I saw him break the table. My mom let me play video game only after I have finish my homework. 请看 BBC 的《Ask About English》的详细解释,有人与你一样问了有关 help 后面的 to 的问题: 至于为何不是「go to a piic」而是「go on」。「go on」是「去做某事」的意思。而「go to」则是「去某地」的意思。看看以下例句。 I went on a piic yesterday. I went to a park for a piic yesterday. I went on a business trip last month. I went to London for a business trip last month. 至于 award 同 reward 的分别,其实字典就有说明,看了《Merriam-Webster》里 award 作为动词及 reward 作为名词的解释后,你就会明白。 award : to give by judicial decree or after careful consideration 即是说 award 有赏识、表彰的含意,通常经常仔细评审而颁发,中文可以译做「奖」。 reward :something that is given in return for good or evil done or received or that is offered or given for some service or 就是说 reward 是因为你做了某事 (留意,好或坏都可以)后得到的东西,中文可以释做「报酬」或「报应」。 举个例,警察悬红十万元捉拿一名通辑犯,你提供了线索令该名通辑犯落网,那你得到的那十万元就是你的 reward 。若后来警队因此事向你颁「好市民奖」,那就是你的 award 。
Only my opinion: 1) I help the pany to promote this product to the customers. 2) No explanation 3) award 系奖
reward 系报酬 An award
can be the reward. 奖都可以系报酬. 2007-01-11 01:15:26 补充: Peomote 唔系 noun .. 什至唔系字 ... Promote 系 verb
第一句个help系v. 但系个peomote 系n. lei架!!!!! 第二句go on 系继续去做!! go to咪系去ge意思lor~~~
参考: by ME!!!!!!
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