

小肉包12个月前 (03-07)阅读数 7#古诗




 燕草如碧丝, 秦桑低绿枝。

 当君怀归日, 是妾断肠时。

 春风不相识, 何事入罗帏。

 in spring

 li bai

 your grasses up north are as blue as jade,

 our mulberries here curve green-threaded branches;

 and at last you think of returning home,

 now when my heart is almost broken?.

 o breeze of the spring, since i dare not know you,

 why part the silk curtains by my bed?



 岱宗夫如何, 齐鲁青未了。

 造化钟神秀, 阴阳割昏晓。

 荡胸生层云, 决眥入归鸟。

 会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小。

 a view of taishan

 du fu

 what shall i say of the great peak? --

 the ancient dukedoms are everywhere green,

 inspired and stirred by the breath of creation,

 with the twin forces balancing day and night.

 ?i bare my breast toward opening clouds,

 i strain my sight after birds flying home.

 when shall i reach the top and hold

 all mountains in a single glance?



 人生不相见, 动如参与商。

 今夕复何夕, 共此灯烛光。

 少壮能几时, 鬓发各已苍。

 访旧半为鬼, 惊呼热中肠。

 焉知二十载, 重上君子堂。

 昔别君未婚, 儿女忽成行。

 怡然敬父执, 问我来何方。

 问答乃未已, 驱儿罗酒浆。

 夜雨剪春韭, 新炊间黄粱。

 主称会面难, 一举累十觞。

 十觞亦不醉, 感子故意长。

 明日隔山岳, 世事两茫茫。

 to my retired friend wei

 du fu

 it is almost as hard for friends to meet

 as for the morning and evening stars.

 tonight then is a rare event,

 joining, in the candlelight,

 two men who were young not long ago

 but now are turning grey at the temples.

 ?to find that half our friends are dead

 shocks us, burns our hearts with grief.

 we little guessed it would be twenty years

 before i could visit you again.

 when i went away, you were still unmarried;

 but now these boys and girls in a row

 are very kind to their father's old friend.

 they ask me where i have been on my journey;

 and then, when we have talked awhile,

 they bring and show me wines and dishes,

 spring chives cut in the night-rain

 and brown rice cooked freshly a special way.

 ?my host proclaims it a festival,

 he urges me to drink ten cups --

 but what ten cups could make me as drunk

 as i always am with your love in my heart?

 ?tomorrow the mountains will separate us;







A ragged fringe is the floating-heart,

left and right we trail it:

that mild-mannered good girl,

awake, asleep, I search for her


竹里馆 In A Retreat Among Bamboss

独坐幽篁里Leaning alone in the close bamboos,

弹琴复长啸I am playing my lute and humming a song

深林人不知Too softly for anyone to hear --

明月来相照Except my comrade, the bright moon

送别 A Parting

山中相送罢 Friend, I have watched you down the mountain

日暮掩柴扉Till now in the dark I close my thatch door....

春草明年绿Grasses return again green in the spring,

王孙归不归But O my Prince of Friends, do you?

相思 One Hearted

红豆生南国When those red berries come in springtime,

春来发几枝Flushing on your southland branches,

愿君多采撷Take home an armful, for my sake,

此物最相思 As a symbol of our love.

下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒Down ZhongNan Mountain To The Kind Pillow And Bowl of Husi


暮从碧山下Down the blue mountain in the evening,

山月随人归Moonlight was my homeward escort.

却顾所来径Looking back, I saw my path ,

苍苍横翠微Lie in levels of deep shadow....

相携及田家I was passing the farm-house of a friend,

童稚开荆扉When his children called from a gate of thorn

绿竹入幽径And led me twining through jade bamboos

青萝拂行衣Where green vines caught and held my clothes.

欢言得所憩And I was glad of a chance to rest

美酒聊共挥And glad of a chance to drink with my friend....

长歌吟松风We sang to the tune of the wind in the pines;

曲尽河星稀And we finished our songs as the stars went down,

我醉君复乐When, I being drunk and my friend more than happy,

陶然共忘机 Between us we forgot the world.


Head of Yongtze River lives me


End of it lives you.


Missing you day and night without a glance


Drinking the same wather in Yongtze River


When should the endless water end?


When should the continuous pity stop?


Only may you the same feeling with me


Never will we change our missing heart.

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