
给客户发的春节英文祝福语 (集锦60句)

乐乐10个月前 (04-30)阅读数 3#祝福语


1.A happy New Year to you.祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

2.In the new year, I wish you every second of the day and night safely perfectly healthy happy days and nights each year is a little guilty forever happily always Fengfengguangguang lifetimes cis Dangdang.在新的一年里,愿您分分秒秒平平安安朝朝暮暮开开心心日日夜夜健健康康岁岁年年潇潇洒洒永永远远快快乐乐时时刻刻风风光光生生世世顺顺当当

3.Happy New Year! Everything will be fine! Happy family! Money and treasures will be plentiful! May you be happy and prosperous! 新年快乐!万事大吉!合家欢乐!财源广进!恭喜发财!

4.Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year 恭祝健康幸运,新年快乐。

5.Endless words, is the bottom of my heart the most true blessing forever. 那诉不尽的千言万语,永远是心底最真的祝福。

6.Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.祝福您及全家新年快乐。

7.I wish a happy New Year! Every year there are fresh! Mouth killing! 祝新春快乐!年年有鲜!大发口财!

8.May joy and health be with you always.祝您永远健康快乐。

9.Lucky money for you.这是给你的压岁钱。

10.Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.万事如意,合家平安。

11.May the season's joy fill you all the year round.愿节日的愉快伴你一生。

12.Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!祝你新的一年快乐幸福。

13.From all of us in sales: Happy New Year!我们销售部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐!

14.Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. 新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。

15.On this special day I send you New Year’s greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.Happy new year, my best friend.在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。祝我的挚友新年快乐。

16.May your New Year be filled with special moment,warmth,peace and happiness,the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness. 愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限.

17.Fortune Wang Fu Wang is lucky。 I wish you a happy New Year! 财旺福旺运气旺,万马奔腾迎旺年!祝您新年快乐!

18.New Year SMS blessing: May the new year, you powerful light duty, something less money close to home, sleep all night daily wage received hand cramps, men spend money you receive, you pay someone to work overtime !新年短信祝福:愿新的一年里,你位高权重责任轻,钱多事少离家近,每日睡到大天亮,工资领到手抽筋,手下花钱你收礼,别人加班你加薪!

19.Wish the white and beautiful snowflakes, with my best wishes, fly to your side, wish you a happy New Year and prosperous career! 愿片片洁白美丽的雪花,带着我美好的祝愿,飞到你的身边,祝你新年如意,事业发达!

20.A good start in the New Year.新春大吉


21.Family and live in harmony, happy year, I, in peace, the spirit of times every day, month and festivity triumphantly, plenty of money year after year, all the expectations can be, all the pay can be fulfilled and happy New Year!一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进,所有的期待都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现,元旦快乐!

22.New Year time is here.I hope you have a wonderful New Year.May every day hold happy hours for you. 新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

23.Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year, wish a healthy body. 请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。

24.Chinese New Year does not receive, Gifts all yours; cash envelopes, all belongs to you; also offer benefits, all yuan; there are short messages, filled with new blessings; happiness Tim smug, all follow you. Happy New Year!过年不收礼,好礼全归你;现金加红包,统统属于你;福利也奉上,全是人民币;还有短信息,写满新祝福;幸福添如意,一切跟随你。新年快乐!

25.Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。

26.With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。

27.Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。

28.With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year. 致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。

29.Peace all year round. 岁岁平安。

给客户发的春节英文祝福语 (集锦60句)

30.On this beautiful Spring Festival, I wish you all the best。 I wish my friends a good mood every day in the New Year! 在这美丽的春节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。祝福朋友在新的一年里,天天都有份好心情!

31.I want to wish you longevity and health!祝财运亨通!

32.We will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!今年我们要在王平家开新年晚会,欢迎你也来!

33.Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年充满快乐。

34.Thank you for your care and help. Please accept my wishes for the New Year and wish you peace and happiness. 感谢你的关怀,感谢你的`帮助。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!

35.May prosperity be with you.恭喜发财。

36.Happy New Year! Everything is all right! Family happiness! Source of money widely enter! Congratulation!!!! 新春快乐!万事大吉!合家欢乐!财源广进!恭喜发财!

37.Happy Spring Festival in Sanlu Milk Powder Event! I wish you a happy Spring Festival! 阔别多日,愿在这祥和的三鹿奶粉事件春节里带给你快乐无数!祝你春节过得开心!

38.Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.祝你在新的'一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

39.Hope everything will be ok in the coming New Year.祝你在即将到来的新年里一切顺利

40.Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.祝福您,新年快乐。


41.New Year bell will be ringing, wish you all the best in the New Year! 新年的钟声即将响起,愿你在新的一年里事事如意!

42.Always come first in examinations.名列前茅。

43.Best wishes for you and your family.祝福您及您的家人。

44.Looking forward to and looking forward to the Spring Festival, I hope everyone can have brilliant achievements in the new year, go out to meet the noble ah! 盼了又盼终于等到春节的来临,希望每一个人都能在新的一年有辉煌的成就,出门遇贵人啊!

45.May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year. 愿新年的快乐一年四季常在.

46.Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福。

47.Good luck in the new year, good luck and good health. 新年好运运运好,心想事成事事成,身体健康棒棒棒,万事如意甜如蜜!

48.New Year new atmosphere, I wish you in the New Year health, family happiness, success. 新年新气象,祝你在新的一年里身体健康,合家欢乐,马到成功。

49.Best wishes for the year to come!恭贺新禧!

50.An unswerving friendship, with thousands of sincere wishes, to my missing friends, warmly greeting: Happy Spring Festival! New year's progress! 一份不渝的友谊,挚着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温声地问侯:春节快乐!新年进步!

51.I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。

52.May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love。祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。

53.I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

54.I am here to say Happy New Year to everyone!我给大家拜年了!

55.Congratulations on the Spring Festival! Happy New Year, everything goes smoothly, everything goes well! 贺新春,庆佳节,恭喜发财!过年好,万事顺,事事如意!

56.I wish you a warm and sweet new year。 Good luck in the New Year! 春节捎去我温暖如春的问候,祝您拥有幸福甜美的新年。新年行好运,万事遂心愿!

57.Take your passion and make it come true.发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

58.Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

59.I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.给你我无尽的新的祝福,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念。

60.Well be here after the New Year.新年过后,我们会再回来。



 Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.


 A holiday wh from your son Tom.


 To wh you special joy at the holidays and all year.


 Warm greetings and best whes for a happy New Year.


 Best whes for you and your loved ones best whes for the New Year.


 Please accept my sincere whes for the New Year, wh a healthy body.


 A New Year greeting to cheer you, my good friend.


 For a happy New Year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.


 From mark, janet and the kids, the most sincere whes.


 New Year comes but once a year, but when it comes it brings good cheer.


 Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wh you a happy New Year.


 In the coming year, whing you peace, joy and happiness!


 A warmest thoughts and best whes from your daughter.


 Mom and dad: th holiday season, thank you for everything.


 All the best New Year whes for you and all whom you hold dear.


 We will be having New Year party at wang ping's th year. You are welcome to join us!


 New Year, happy New Year, may every day hold happy hours for you!


 And offer good talk, I wh all the best in the New Year!


 May the glow of New Year candle bring you peace and joy, wh your New Year be filled with love.


 Give you a special blessing, cheery New Year hold lots of happiness.


 Whing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! Happy holidays!


 Best whes. With the compliments of the season. May you have the best season ever.


 Please accept our whes for you and yours for a happy New Year.


 Happy New Year! Everything all right! Family happiness! Source of money widely enter! Congratulation!!!!


The coming New Year bring you and your loved one many good things and rich blessings!


 At th time of happiness to share, msing friends moment, a dream come true.


 May the coming New Year bring you and your loved one many good things and rich blessings!


 May the New Year be a time of laughter and real joy you day. Wh you well.


 Happy New Year to shareholders friends beaming, silver twinkle great, the stock market as great a fire in the New Year.


 I give you endless brand-new good whes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.


Season's greetings and best whes, wh you have a bright and happy New Year.


 Happy every second, joyful every one day, happy each year, health to forever! Happy New Year.


 On th special day I send you New Year whes, and hope that some day soon we shall be together.


 Forward the new age, for jinbei spring with thousands of households, advancing with The Times He Feng years, laughter xi surplus thousands.


 The breeze catnap spoil a durk, red chief use for delight abuse of the mind. Quietly wake up not about the Spring Festival, inhibited the small smile.


 May everything beautiful and best be condensed into th card. I sincerely wh you happiness, cheerfulness and success.


 May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happy with family reunions, wh of covered, the New Year.


 May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year day and night, I wh you a wonderful New Year!


 May the warmest whes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings, come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.


 In the season of joy I present my sincerest whes and kindest thoughts. May th New Year outshine all the rest.

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