佛跳墙 Stewed Soup "Marine Foodstuffs Supreme" 参考:hongkongfoodguide/image/t9
So many: Buddha Skipping Wall ( China ) haoweide/dm/dbsearch.jsp?b=ZZE7DYN335D4H817ZEDEZYDEEDDDN6ZH6E53Y6NDY63&idd=432 Steamed Assorted Meats in Chinese Casserole ( Taiwan ) ntl/vrs/question_view?id=3445 BUDDHA JUMP OVER THE WALL ( Japan ) homepage3.nifty/TamTam/canton OK?
根据培梅食谱,第283页(傅培梅是国内早年的美食权威) 佛跳墙被翻译为Steamed Assorted Meats in Chinese Casserole 浏览一些国外的网页,Buddha's Delight都是指罗汉斋。 是佛教僧侣们在大年初一吃的一道素菜,含有十八种食材。 参考连结如下: recipezaar/144709 quick-dinner-recipes/6822buddhas-delight-recipe
Buddha jump out the wall
Buddha jumps over the wall" is an umbrella term for a type of highly plex Chinese soup or stew consisting of many ingredients of non-vegetarian origins and requiring one to o full days to create. The name reflects the appeal of the soup: it is said to be so enticing that even a vegetarian monk (Buddha) himself could not restrain himself and would sneak out of the monastery (literally "jump over the wall") to steal a taste. A typical recipe includes many ingredients including quail eggs
bamboo shoots
shark fin
Jinhua ham
and taro. When served in restaurants
the more expensive ingredients are emphasized to justify the lofty price normally charged for this soup. en. *** /wiki/Buddha_jumps_over_the_wall
Budda jump over the wall
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