

桃子9个月前 (06-10)阅读数 7#大学排名



20. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California-San Diego

 B.S. in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence Cluster



19. 佐治亚州立大学Georgia State University

 B.S. in Computer Science: Concentration in Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction; M.S. in Computer Science: Coursework in Database & Artificial Intelligence

 学费: $15,609每年


18. 普渡大学Purdue University

 B.S. in Computer Science: Machine Intelligence Track



17. 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University in the City of New York

 B.S. in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence Track



 16.伦斯勒理工学院 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

 B.S. in Cognitive Science: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Elective Options


 与其他大学将人工智能划归为计算机部门不同的是,在伦斯勒理工学院,人工智能学科是认知科学的一部分。另外,著名的Rensselaer Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning Lab (RAIR) 也设立在这里。

  15. 哈佛大学 Harvard University

 A.B. in Computer Science: Mind, Brain, & Behavior



 14. 俄亥俄州立大学The Ohio State University

 B.S. in Computer Science Engineering/Computer Information Systems: Artificial Intelligence


 OSU为人工智能的学生提供了非常丰富的各种可能。除了提供传统的神经网络,计算机视觉之类的课程之外,OSU有着非常强大的研究团队。事实上,这个团队由于人员充沛现在已经开设了不同的研究小组,其中包括:Applied Machine Learning; Auditory, Speech, and Language Processing;

 Machine Learning and Learning Theory; Cognitive Systems

13. 罗彻斯特大学 University of Rochester

 B.S. in Computer Science: Machine Learning, Vision, & Robotics or Human Computer Interaction & Web; M.S. in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning or Human Computer Interaction



12.西北大学 Northwestern University

 B.S. in Computer Science: Depth in Artificial Intelligence



 11. 俄勒冈州立大学Oregon State University

 B.S. in Applied Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction



 10. 印第安纳大学Indiana University

 B.S. in Intelligent Systems Engineering; M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction Design



 9. 麻省大学University of Massachusetts-Amherst

 B.S. in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence


 这里提供了非常非常多的研究小组,他们包括:Autonomous Learning Laboratory; Biologically Inspired Neural & Dynamical Systems Laboratory; Computer Vision Research Laboratory; Information Extraction & Synthesis Laboratory; Knowledge Discovery Laboratory; Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics; Machine Learning for Data Science; Multi-Agent Systems Laboratory; Resource Bounded Reasoning Lab

 8. 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

 B.S. in Computer Engineering: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, & Cybernetics



 7. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan

 Computer Science – BS LSA Computer Science Degree in Artificial Intelligence or Robotics & Vision; MS in Computer Science & Engineering: Artificial Intelligence


 在密歇根大学,与人工智能相关的学位并不是设立在Engineering School下,而是设立在College of Literature, Science, and the Arts下的。很奇怪是不是?事实上,教学组意识到CS的学生很多都需要学习非常多除了CS之外的知识,因此为CS学生提供了非常多的各式各样的专业方向,比如Bioinformatics和Economics and Computation。

 6. 加州大学伯克利 University of California-Berkeley

 B.S. in Computer Science: Technical Electives in Cognitive Science


 尽管UC Berkeley提供了一大推与人工智能相关的课程供选择,但是可惜的是他们并没有提供一个人工智能的学位。

5. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania

 B.A.S./B.S.E. in Computer & Cognitive Science


 在UPenn,AI方向的学生需要学习计算机与认知科学的双学位。在Engineering和Arts and Sciences学院之间学生也可以选择BAS(Bachelor of Applied Science)或是BSE(Bachelor of Science in Engineering)。

 4. 佐治亚大学 University of Georgia

 A.B. in Cognitive Science; M.S. in Artificial Intelligence


 你可能不知道,整个人工智能研究院都隶属于该校的Franklin College of Arts and Sciences。在这里,本科生可以选择认知科学以及第二个专业方向,比如人工智能。

3. 斯坦福大学Stanford University

 BS in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence; MS in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence or Human-Computer Interaction


 在斯坦福,人工智能方面的本科学位涵盖的课程非常全面,其全面程度几乎已经和很多研究生的课程差不多了。这里的课程非常前沿,其中包括:computational biology, speech recognition, cognition和machine learning。

 2. 华盛顿大学University of Washington

 B.S. in Computer Science Engineering: User Interface and Human-Computer Interaction



1. 田纳西大学University of Tennessee-Knoxville

 B.S. in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence


 你可能想不到这个榜单的第一名会被一所位于田纳西的大学摘走。但是,如果你真的想专心研究AI的话,那么这所学校肯定是你的目标。从本科阶段开始,这里的学生就可以在biologically inspired computation, pattern recognition和machine learning这三个方向学习最先进的知识。

教育部认可的美国田纳西州(Tennessee)大学名单 Academy of Beauty Arts (Cleveland)

American Baptist College (Nashville)

Aquinas College (Nashville)

Arnold's Beauty School (Milan)

Austin Peay State University (Clarksville)

Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences (Memphis)

The Beauty Institute (Memphis)

Belmont University (Nashville)

Bethel College (McKenzie)

Bryan College (Dayton)

Buchanan Beauty College (Shelbyville)

Career Beauty College (Lawrenceburg)

Carson-Newman College (Jefferson City)

Chattanooga State Technical Community College (Chattanooga)

Christian Brothers University (Memphis)

Church of God Theological Seminary (Cleveland)

Church of God Theological Seminary (Cleveland)

Cleveland State Community College (Cleveland)

Columbia State Community College (Columbia)

Concorde Career College (Memphis)

Crichton College (Memphis)

Cumberland University (Lebanon)

Draughons Junior College (Clarksville)

Draughons Junior College (Nashville)

Dyersburg State Community College (Dyersburg)

East Tennessee State University (Johnson City)

Electronic Computer Programming College (Chattanooga)

Elite College of Cosmetology (Lexington)

Emmanuel School of Religion (Johnson City)


Fayetteville Beauty School (Fayetteville)

Fisk University (Nashville)

Fountainhead College of Technology (Knoxville)

Free Will Baptist Bible College (Nashville)

Free Will Baptist Bible College (Nashville)

Freed-Hardeman University (Henderson)

Glyn Ed Newton & Associates, Inc. (Nashville)

Harding University Graduate School of Religion (Memphis)

High-Tech Institute (Nashville)

Hiwassee College (Madisonville)

ITT Technical Institute (Knoxville)

ITT Technical Institute (Memphis)

ITT Technical Institute (Nashville)

Jackson State Community College (Jackson)

Jacobs Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center (Bristol)

John A. Gupton College (Nashville)

Johnson Bible College (Knoxville)

Jon Nave University of Cosmetology Inc. (Nashville)

King College (Bristol)

Knox International 2000 Beauty College (Chattanooga)

Lambuth University (Jackson)

Lane College (Jackson)

Lee University (Cleveland)

LeMoyne-Owen College (Memphis)

Lincoln Memorial University (Harrogate)

Lipscomb University (Nashville)

Martin Methodist College (Pulaski)

Maryville College (Maryville)

McCollum & Ross, The Hair School (Jackson)

MedVance Institute (Cookeville)

Meharry Medical College (Nashville)

Memphis College of Art (Memphis)

Memphis Institute of Barbering Inc. (Memphis)

Memphis Theological Seminary (Memphis)

Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (Germantown)

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (Madison)

Middle Tennessee School of Cosmetology (Cookeville)

Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro)

Miller-Motte Technical College (Chattanooga)

Miller-Motte Technical College (Clarksville)

Milligan College (Milligan College)

Mister Wayne's School of Unisex (Cookeville)

Motlow State Community College (Lynchburg)

Nashville Auto Diesel College (Nashville)

Nashville College of Medical Careers (Madison)

Nashville State Technical Community College (Nashville)

National College of Business and Technology (Knoxville)

National College of Business and Technology (Nashville)

Nave Cosmetology Academy, Inc. (Nashville)

New Concepts School of Cosmetology (Cleveland)

New Directions Hair Academy (Nashville)

New Wave Hair Academy (Memphis)

New Wave Hair Academy (Memphis)

North Central Institute (Clarksville)

Northeast State Technical Community College (Blountville)

Nossi College of Art (Goodlettsville)

O'More College of Design (Franklin)

Pellissippi State Technical Community College (Knoxville)

Plaza Beauty School (Memphis)

Pyramid Beauty School (Memphis)

Queen City College (Clarksville)

Remington College-Memphis Campus (Memphis)

Reuben Allen College (Knoxville)

Rhodes College (Memphis)

Roane State Community College (Harriman)

Shear Academy (Crossville)

South College (Knoxville)

Southeastern Career College - Nashville (Nashville)

Southern Adventist University (Collegedale)

Southern College of Optometry (Memphis)

Southern Institute of Cosmetology (Memphis)

Southwest Tennessee Community College (Memphis)

Stylemasters Beauty Academy (Lebanon)

Styles & Profiles Beauty College (Selmer)

Temple Baptist Seminary (Chattanooga)

Tennessee Academy of Cosmetology (Memphis)

Tennessee Academy of Cosmetology (Memphis)

Tennessee Career College (Nashville)

Tennessee School of Beauty Inc. (Knoxville)

Tennessee State University (Nashville)

Tennessee Technological University (Cookeville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Athens (Athens)

Tennessee Technology Center at Covington (Covington)

Tennessee Technology Center at Crossville (Crossville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Crump (West Crump)

Tennessee Technology Center at Dickson (Dickson)

Tennessee Technology Center at Elizabethton (Elizabethton)

Tennessee Technology Center at Harriman (Harriman)

Tennessee Technology Center at Hartsville (Hartsville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Hohenwald (Hohenwald)

Tennessee Technology Center at Jacksboro (Jacksboro)

Tennessee Technology Center at Jackson (Jackson)

Tennessee Technology Center at Knoxville (Knoxville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Livingston (Livingston)

Tennessee Technology Center at McKenzie (McKenzie)

Tennessee Technology Center at McMinnville (McMinnville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Memphis (Memphis)

Tennessee Technology Center at Morristown - Branch Campus (Surgoinsville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Morristown (Morristown)

Tennessee Technology Center at Murfreesboro (Murfreesboro)

Tennessee Technology Center at Nashville (Nashville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Newbern (Newbern)

Tennessee Technology Center at Oneida/Huntsville (Huntsville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Paris (Paris)

Tennessee Technology Center at Pulaski (Pulaski)

Tennessee Technology Center at Ripley (Ripley)

Tennessee Technology Center at Shelbyville (Shelbyville)

Tennessee Technology Center at Whiteville (Whiteville)

Tennessee Temple University (Chattanooga)

Tennessee Wesleyan College (Athens)

TLC NuWave School of Cosmetology (Clarksville)

Trevecca Nazarene University (Nashville)

Tusculum College (Greeneville)

Union University (Jackson)

The University of Memphis (Memphis)

University of the South School of Theology (Sewanee)

University of the South (Sewanee)

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Chattanooga)

The University of Tennessee (Knoxville)

The University of Tennessee at Martin (Martin)

Vanderbilt University Divinity School (Nashville)

Vanderbilt University (Nashville)

Vatterott College-Memphis Campus (Memphis)

Volunteer Beauty Academy (Dyersburg)

Volunteer Beauty Academy of Lawrenceburg (Nashville)

Volunteer Beauty Academy (Madison)

Volunteer State Community College (Gallatin)

Walters State Community College (Morristown)

West Tennessee Business College (Jackson)

William R. Moore College of Technology (Memphis)

Williamson Christian College (Franklin)

World Class University (Nashville) 具体哪个好些就不是很清楚了~~~

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