

梵高8个月前 (06-26)阅读数 5#大学排名

 德克萨斯大学达拉斯西南医学中心是德克萨斯大学系统的一个重要学术机构,目前在US News2018美国大学综合排名中位列第54位。下面是整理并翻译的西南医学中心基本概况,供大家选校参考。

关 于德克萨斯大学达拉斯西南医学中心

 UT Southwestern is an academic medical center, world renowned for its research and widely respected for its teaching and training, as well as for the quality of clinical care its faculty provides to patients at UT Southwestern University Hospitals & Clinics and affiliated hospitals.

 The Medical Center has three degree-granting institutions: UT Southwestern Medical School, UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and UT Southwestern School of Health Professions.

 The schools train about 3,600 medical, graduate, and health profession students, residents, and postdoctoral fellows each year.

 Ongoing support from federal agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health, along with foundations, individuals, and corporations, provides approximately $427.3 million per year to fund more than 5,800 research protocols, many of which involve numerous projects.

 Faculty and residents provide care to more than 100,000 hospitalized patients, 600,000 emergency room cases, and oversee approximately 2.2 million outpatient visits annually.

 UT Southwestern has more than 16,400 employees and an operating budget of nearly $2.8 billion.









 To improve health care in our community, Texas, our nation, and the world through innovation and education

 To educate the next generation of leaders in patient care, biomedical science, and disease prevention

 To conduct high-impact, internationally recognized research

 To deliver patient care that brings UT Southwestern Medical Center’s scientific advances to the bedside – focusing on quality, safety, and service







 The story of UT Southwestern Medical Center is one of commitment to excellence, dedication to discovery, and service to the community. It's also a story of phenomenal growth, fueled by exceptional people with an extraordinary vision: to establish an academic medical center second to none.

 Since its formation in 1943, Southwestern Medical School has grown from a small wartime medical college into UT Southwestern Medical Center, a multifaceted academic institution nationally recognized for its excellence in educating physicians, biomedical scientists, and health care personnel.

 Under the leadership of the late Edward H. Cary, M.D., and Karl Hoblitzelle, a group of prominent Dallas citizens organized Southwestern Medical Foundation in 1939 to promote medical education and research in Dallas and the region. When Baylor University elected to move its school of medicine from Dallas to Houston in 1943, the Foundation formally established Southwestern Medical College as the 68th medical school in the United States.




 When a new state medical school was proposed after World War II, leaders of Southwestern Medical Foundation offered the college's equipment, library, and certain restricted funds to The University of Texas, provided the University would locate its new medical branch in Dallas. The Board of Regents accepted this offer from the Foundation, and in 1949 the college became Southwestern Medical School of The University of Texas. In 1954 the name was changed to The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. The present campus site on Harry Hines Boulevard was occupied in 1955 upon the completion of the Edward H. Cary Building. This placed the Medical School faculty next to the newly built Parkland Memorial Hospital.

 In November 1972 the name and scope of the Medical School were changed with its reorganization into The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas.

 In 1986 the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) opened a research facility on the campus. Concentrating on molecular biology, it has brought outstanding scientists to head laboratories in their specialties. These investigators also hold faculty positions in the basic science departments of the Medical and Graduate schools.

 In October 1987 the UT System Board of Regents approved changing the name of the health science center to The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, reconfirming its original Southwestern identity. The Medical Center currently encompasses UT Southwestern Medical School, UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and the UT Southwestern School of Health Professions.

 二战后,人们提议建立新的州立医学院。西南医学基金会的领导们为这个医学院提供了设备、图书馆和特定资金,并要求德克萨斯大学答应将新的医学分部建在达拉斯。大学董事会接受了基金会的资助。1949年,该学院成为德克萨斯大学西南医学院(Southwestern Medical School of The University of Texas)。1954年,更名为德克萨斯大学西南医学院(The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School)。1995年,爱德华-卡里大楼建成,医学院搬到哈利海因斯大道(目前医学院仍在这里)。这样以来,医学院就毗邻了新建成的帕克兰纪念医院。





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