1. 罗彻斯特大学 (纽约州) U. of Rochester–Eastman School of Music
2. 印地安那大学布鲁明顿分校 Indiana University–Bloomington
2. 茱莉亚学院 (纽约市) Juilliard School
4. 密西根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
5. 柯蒂斯音乐学院 (宾州) Curtis Institute of Music
6. 新英格兰音乐学院 (麻州) New England Conservatory of Music
6. 西北大学 (伊利诺州) Northwestern University
6. 奥柏林学院 (俄亥俄州) Oberlin College Conservatory
6. 辛辛那提大学 (俄亥俄州) University of Cincinnati
6. 伊利诺大学香槟校区 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign
6. 耶鲁大学 (康乃迪克州) Yale University
12. 佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University
12. 曼哈顿音乐学院 (纽约市) Manhattan School of Music
12. 南加州大学 University of Southern California
15. 约翰霍普金斯大学 (马里兰州) Johns Hopkins University–Peabody
15. 北德州大学 University of North Texas
17. 克里夫兰音乐学院 Cleveland Institute of Music
17. 德州大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas–Austin
19. 亚利桑那州立大学--主校区 Arizona State University-Main Campus
20. 曼尼斯音乐学院 (纽约市) Mannes College of Music
20. 莱斯大学 (德州) Rice University
20. 科罗拉多大学波德分校 University of Colorado–Boulder
20. 威斯康辛大学陌地生分校 University of Wisconsin–Madison
24. 俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University
24. 哈特福大学 (康乃迪州) University of Hartford–Hartt
26. 旧金山音乐学院 San Francisco Conservatory of Music
26. 纽约大学石溪分校 SUNY–Stony Brook
26. 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas
26. 迈阿密大学 University of Miami
30. 波士顿大学 Boston University
30. 密西根州立大学 Michigan State University
30. 天普大学 (宾州) Temple University
30. 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona
30. 马里兰大学学院园分校 University of Maryland–College ark
30. 明尼苏达大学双子城分校 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities
30. 教堂山北卡罗莱纳大学 U. of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
30. Greensboro北卡罗莱纳大学 U. of North Carolina–Greensboro
30. 华盛顿大学 University of Washington
30. 西敏唱诗班学院 (纽泽西州) Westminster Choir College (NJ)
40. 波士顿 Conservatory Boston Conservatory
40. 绮色佳学院 (纽约州) Ithaca College
40. 路易斯安纳州立大学及农工学院 Louisiana State University and A&M College
40. 北卡罗莱纳艺术学院 North Carolina School of the Arts
40. 南美以美大学 (德州) Southern Methodist University
40. 密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 University of Missouri–Kansas City
46. 卡内基美浓大学 (宾州) Carnegie Mellon University
46. 奥克拉荷马州 University of Oklahoma
46. 奥勒冈州 University of Oregon
49. 贝勒大学 (德州) Baylor University
49. 杨百翰大学 (犹他州) Brigham Young University
49. 加州州立大学北桥分校 California State University–Northridge
49. 美国天主教大学 (华盛顿特区) Catholic University of America
49. 纽约市立大学布鲁克林学院 CUNY–Brooklyn College
49. 德堡大学 (伊利诺州) DePaul University
49. 宾州州立大学大学园分校 enn State University–University ark
49. 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 University of California–Santa Barbara
49. 路易维尔大学 (肯塔基州) University of Louisville (KY)
49. 北科罗拉多大学 University of Northern Colorado
At the University of Oregon, you will quickly become part of a community of students and faculty members dedicated to academic excellence and making a difference in the world: A group of scholars united in their commitment to the highest standards of academic inquiry, learning, and service and their belief that knowledge is the fundamental wealth of civilization. Whether you want to make an impact in a neighborhood, school, legal system, arts organization, or scientific theory, the University of Oregon will provide you with the resources and inspiration that you need to succeed. The University of Oregon is committed to educating the next generation of leaders and citizens -- graduates who are intellectually curious, engaged in the life of the mind, knowledgeable of themselves and the world, and committed to contributing to their communities. Students are required to complete courses designed to provide them with the research, writing, and critical thinking skills that are the hallmark of a liberal arts education and the foundation for continued success in an increasingly diverse global marketplace. All students, graduate and undergraduate alike, should come to the University of Oregon expecting to have face-to-face interactions with outstanding faculty.
1.College of Arts and Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) is the intellectual hub of the University of Oregon, providing academic programs that support the mission of the entire institution and shape its identity as a comprehensive research university.
The UO is widely known for its progressive, inclusive atmosphere that builds on a legacy of Oregon’s pioneering spirit, its lush, welcoming campus situated in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, and its fundamental commitment to the betterment of the human condition and quality of life. Our campus community truly is a community, known for its ethic of social responsibility. Both students and faculty come here because they want to make a difference.
2.College of Design
The College of Design is committed to the principles of civic responsibility, environmental sustainability, international understanding, and interdisciplinary education. Innovation thrives here in our cooperative and future-focused learning environment. We support diverse perspectives, beliefs, and cultures and are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community.
We offer undergraduate and graduate accredited degrees in Eugene, nestled in the lush Willamette Valley, and at the historic White Stag Block, University of Oregon’s hub of activity, discussion, and engagement in Portland. Students can also take advantage of many varied field school and study abroad opportunities to enrich their academic experiences with hands-on ones.
Students come here ready to explore, learn, and create. When they graduate, they leave with the ability to question critically, think logically, communicate clearly, act creatively, and live ethically. We provide the skills and mentorship needed for our students to tackle complex global challenges and positively affect the people, communities, and environments around them.
设计学院有得到认证的本科生和研究生学位。开课地点设在尤金,后者位于苍翠繁茂的威拉梅特谷。也在波特兰的历史悠久的White Stag Block授课,这里是俄勒冈大学举办各种活动、进行探讨和参与的场所。此外,在设计学院,你还可以参加教学与科研试验基地学习或海外学习,以实践来丰富自己的学术体验。
3.College of Education
If you plan to become a teacher, special educator, administrator, human service provider, or clinician you will find a diverse array of learning, social/cultural, professional, and practice communities in the College of Education. These communities and your fellow students will provide you a supportive climate and a culture of belonging where you are respected and affirmed. In addition to our academic programs, the UO College of Education includes an alliance of nationally prominent centers, institutes, and affiliated research and outreach units working to fulfill our mission: Making Educational and Social Systems Work for All.
Ducks are everywhere. They're leaders in business, industry, education, the arts, government, NGOs, and their communities. They include winners of Emmy, Oscar, and Tony awards, Pulitzer Prizes, Guggenheim Fellowships, MacArthur Genius Grants, the Nobel Prize, Olympic medals, Rhodes Scholarships, the National Humanities Medal, and countless other honors for achievement and public service. Our ROTC graduates more officers than any other civilian school, and we rank 16th for Peace Corps volunteers produced by the nation’s largest universities.
阿拉斯加州 ? 阿拉斯加大学 University of Alaska
地理位置: Anchorage, Alaska
本科生人数: 7,861
录取率: 72%
阿拉巴马州 ? 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰校区 University of Alabama at Birmingham
地理位置: Birmingham, Alabama
本科生人数: 8,270
录取率: 72%
阿肯色州 ? 阿肯色理工大学 Arkansas Tech University
地理位置: Russellville, Arkansas
本科生人数: 7,068
录取率: 88%
亚利桑那州 ? 亚利桑那州立大学 Arizona State University
地理位置: Tempe, Arizona
本科生人数: 50,484
录取率: 89%
加州 ? 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 University of California-Santa Cruz
地理位置: Santa Cruz, California
本科生人数: 15,677
录取率: 68%
科罗拉多州 ? 科罗拉多州立大学 Colorado State University (CSU)
地理位置: Fort Collins, Colorado
本科生人数: 20,336
录取率: 75%
康涅狄格州 ? 康涅狄格大学 University of Connecticut
地理位置: Storrs, Connecticut
本科生人数: 16,736
录取率: 45%
特拉华州 ? 特拉华大学 University of Delaware
地理位置: Newark, Delaware
本科生人数: 15,558
录取率: 58%
佛罗里达 ? 佛罗里达大学 University of Florida
地理位置: Gainesville, Florida
本科生人数: 30,241
录取率: 44%
乔治亚州 ? 盖恩斯维尔州立学院 Gainesville College (Gainesville)
地理位置: Oakwood, Georgia
本科生人数: 5,181
录取率: 99%
夏威夷州 ? 夏威夷大学马诺阿分校 University of Hawaii at Manoa
地理位置: Honolulu, Hawaii
本科生人数: 11,975
录取率: 78%
爱荷华州 ? 爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University
地理位置: Ames, Iowa
本科生人数: 26,103
录取率: 85%
爱达荷州 ? 杨百翰大学爱达荷校区 Brigham Young University - Idaho (Rexburg)
地理位置: Rexburg, Idaho
本科生人数: 15,235
录取率: 99%
伊利诺伊州 ? 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
地理位置: Champaign, Illinois
本科生人数: 31,118
录取率: 63%
印第安纳州 ? 印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 Indiana University Bloomington
地理位置: Bloomington, Indiana
本科生人数: 30,949
录取率: 74%
堪萨斯州 ? 堪萨斯州立大学 Kansas State University
地理位置: Manhattan, Kansas
本科生人数: 17,245
录取率: 99%
肯塔基州 ? 路易斯维尔大学 University of Louisville
地理位置: Louisville, Kentucky
本科生人数: 12,192
录取率: 73%
路易斯安那州 ? 路易斯安那大学门罗分校 University of Louisiana Monroe
地理位置: Monroe, Louisiana
本科生人数: 5,116
录取率: 91%
马萨诸塞州 ? 马萨诸塞大学卢维尔分校 University of massachusetts at lowell
地理位置: Lowell, Massachusetts
本科生人数: 8,724
录取率: 66%
马里兰州 ? 马里兰大学巴尔的摩县分校 University of Maryland,BaltimoreCounty
地理位置: Baltimore County, Maryland
本科生人数: 9,371
录取率: 60%
缅因州 ? 缅因大学 The University of Maine at Orono
地理位置: Orono, Maine
本科生人数: 7,549
录取率: 78%
密歇根州 ? 密歇根理工大学 Michigan Technological University (MTU)
地理位置: Houghton, Michigan
本科生人数: 5,196
录取率: 75%
明尼苏达州 ? 圣托马斯大学 University of St Thomas
地理位置: Saint Paul, Minnesota
本科生人数: 6,046
录取率: 87%
密苏里州 ? 密苏里科技大学 Missouri University of Science and Technology
地理位置: Rolla, Missouri
本科生人数: 5,260
录取率: 89%
密西西比州 ? 密西西比州立大学 Mississippi State University
地理位置: Mississippi State, Mississippi
本科生人数: 15,004
录取率: 62%
蒙大拿州 ? 蒙大拿大学 The University of Montana
地理位置: Missoula, Montana
本科生人数: 9,941
录取率: 81%
北卡罗来纳州 ? 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
地理位置: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
本科生人数: 17,437
录取率: 33%
北达科他州 ? 北达科他州立大学 North Dakota State University
地理位置: Fargo, North Dakota
本科生人数: 10,718
录取率: 84%
内布拉斯加州 ? 内布拉斯加大学林肯校区 University of Nebraska Lincoln
地理位置: Lincoln, Nebraska
本科生人数: 18,039
录取率: 59%
新罕布什尔州 ? 新罕布什尔大学 University of New Hampshire-Main Campus (UNH)
地理位置: Durham, New Hampshire
本科生人数: 12,342
录取率: 78%
新泽西州 ? 美国西东大学 Seton Hall University
地理位置: South Orange, New Jersey
本科生人数: 5,023
录取率: 84%
新墨西哥州 ? 新墨西哥州立大学 New Mexico State University
地理位置: Las Cruces, New Mexico
本科生人数: 11,673
录取率: 80%
纽约州 ?纽约市立大学史丹顿岛学院 CUNY--College of Staten Island
地理位置: Staten Island, New York
本科生人数: 9,917
录取率: 99%
内华达州 ? 内华达大学里诺校区 University of Nevada Reno
地理位置: Reno, Nevada
本科生人数: 12,411
录取率: 82%
俄亥俄州 ? 俄亥俄大学 Ohio University
地理位置: Athens, Ohio
本科生人数: 16,862
录取率: 78%
俄克拉荷马州 ? 俄克拉荷马大学 University of Oklahoma
地理位置: Norman, Oklahoma
本科生人数: 18,111
录取率: 79%
俄勒冈州 ? 俄勒冈州立大学 Oregon State University
地理位置: Corvallis, Oregon
本科生人数: 17,794
录取率: 78%
宾夕法尼亚州 ? 匹兹堡大学 University of Pittsburgh
地理位置: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
本科生人数: 17,256
录取率: 58%
罗德岛州 ? 罗德岛大学 University of Rhode Island
地理位置: Kingston, Rhode Island
本科生人数: 11,923
录取率: 85%
南卡罗来纳州 ? 克莱姆森大学 Clemson University
地理位置: Clemson, South Carolina
本科生人数: 15,643
录取率: 63%
南达科他州 ? 南达科他州立大学 South Dakota State University
地理位置: Brookings, South Dakota
本科生人数: 8,562
录取率: 92%
田纳西州 ? 田纳西科技大学 Tennessee Technological University
地理位置: Cookeville, Tennessee
本科生人数: 8,923
录取率: 93%
德克萨斯州 ? 德州农工大学 Texas A&M University
地理位置: College Station, Texas
本科生人数: 36,219
录取率: 67%
犹他州 ? 犹他大学 The University of Utah
地理位置: Salt Lake City, Utah
本科生人数: 17,518
录取率: 83%
威斯康星州 ? 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin-Madison
地理位置: Madison, Wisconsin
本科生人数: 28,167
录取率: 69%
西佛吉尼亚州 ? 西佛吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University
地理位置: Morgantown, West Virginia
本科生人数: 21,118
录取率: 85%
怀俄明州 ? 怀俄明大学 University of Wyoming
地理位置: Laramie, Wisconsin
本科生人数: 8,311
录取率: 96%
弗吉尼亚州 ? 弗吉尼亚理工学院 Virginia Tech
地理位置: Blacksburg, Virginia
本科生人数: 23,366
录取率: 70%
佛蒙特州 ? 佛蒙特大学 University of Vermont
地理位置: Burlington, Vermont
本科生人数: 9,956
录取率: 77%
华盛顿州 ? 华盛顿州立大学 Washington State University
地理位置: Pullman, Washington
本科生人数: 20,082
录取率: 76%
华盛顿(特区) ? 美利坚大学 American University
地理位置: Washington, DC
本科生人数: 6,970
录取率: 44%
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