转换的意思是什么 转换的解释
1、转换,是汉语词语,拼音是zhuǎn huàn,意思是指改变,改换;从一种能量形式变成另一种能量形式。
2、出处:(1)宋陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷二:“余谓后辈作词,无非前人已道底句,特善能转换尔。”(2)《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四八回:“这一转换间,便耽搁了一年多。”
转化词是 就是把词性相互转化
① The workers found Bob's attitude hard to stomach.
② The parachutist had to nerve himself for the jump from his helicopter.
③ A few poor children had been dogging the tourists for some time.
④ Tuition schools have mushroomed for the last two years.
⑤ The traitor was knifed and stoned to death.
⑥ I leafed through a few pages of the book to see what it was about.
⑦ Personality clashes surfaced among some rival leaders.
⑧ Tom elbowed his way through the crowd.
⑨ It is impolite to ape one's superiors.
⑩ Delicious food made our mouths water.
① The innocent girl was having a good cry.
② Active people are always on the go.
③ I often have a quiet read before going to bed.
④ People from all walks of life condemned a bad government.
⑤ Famine came in the wake of the drought.
⑥ The manager gave some lazy workers the sack.
⑦ Let me take a good look at these photos.
⑧ A visit to the Jurong Bird Park is a must for any tourist.
⑨ War is loathed by the haves and the have-nots.
⑩ If you have anything to discuss with me, don't hesitate to give me a ring.
① Don't idle away your precious time.
② Father's hair begins to grey.
③ How to quiet a fretful child?
④ We have no intention of seeing an innocent person humbled.
⑤ Something must be done to better the life of the underprivileged.
⑥ Language skills can be perfected by constant practice and regular reinforcement.
⑦ The robber wanted his victim to empty his pockets.
⑧ When the enemy's ships neared the land, our soldiers began to attack.
⑨ The man's muscles tensed as he saw the snake approaching him.
⑩ The hot weather soured the fresh milk.
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