

桃子1年前 (2023-12-03)阅读数 10#综合百科


















1. 节水常识 中、英文版

1、浴室如何节约用水? 不要把烟灰、剩饭、废纸等倒进马桶用水冲。


淋浴器安装节水龙头,选择较短,不用太长水管的淋浴器。 经常检查自来水管的水龙头和水管,看看是否漏水。

即使是漏一小滴水,一个月就白白流掉1500公斤。 2、厨房和洗衣间如何节约用水? 只有在自动洗碗机里装满要洗的器皿时才使用。

自动洗衣机也是如此。 洗蔬菜时不要一直开大水龙头,而是先在清水槽中洗干净再用水冲洗一遍。


3、室外如何节约用水? 只在需要浇水时才给草坪浇水。可以先站到草坪上,如果抬起脚后,草能自然伸直,说明尚不需浇水。

天气凉爽时浇水,清晨为浇水的最佳时间。 把洒水装置直接安装到草坪上,这样洒出的水也可直接浇到草坪上。

种植抗干旱的草或树木,并在树木或植物周围培一层护根的土,以减少水份蒸发。 应该擦洗汽车,而不是用水管冲洗后再擦。

4、家庭节水的主要方法有哪些? 一是使用水冲厕所的家庭,可在水箱内放置1-2块砖,以减少排水量,达到节水的目的。 二是少用洗衣机,因为用洗衣机洗衣服要比手工洗衣服耗水量多一倍。

为节约用水,除被子、床单等大件用洗衣机洗,其他小件衣服用手工洗为好。 三是采取综合利用、一水多用的办法节水。

如淘米水可用来浇花;洗脸水可用来洗衣或洗脚。 5、家庭节水应注意哪些事项? 及时关紧正在滴水的水龙头。

在厕所蓄水箱里装一个节水装置。 不要在中午浇花,因为中午阳光强,水易蒸发。

在水龙头上装个流水控制器,可以节约大量用水。 告诉全家成员,在洗蔬果、洗手绢、刮胡子时,不应让水龙头开着。

在你家水龙头处写上“请注意节约用水”。 停电停水后,当你外出时请拧紧水龙头。

1, how does the bathroom economize to use water? Don't pour cigarette ash, leftover rice, wastepaper。etc. to use water into the toilet blunt. Install a flush toilet with *** all pondage.So each time hurtle a water can save 5 -s 7 kilograms water. Take a shower bath the machine gearing stanza faucet, choose shorter, the shower machine of need not too long pipe line. Usually check faucet and pipe line of water pipe, see whether leak.Even is leak a *** all drop water, a month white the white flow 1500 kilograms. 2, kitchen with do laundry how to economize to use water? Only fill up in the automatic dishwasher would not° until wash of container use. The automatic washer is also such. Don't have been turn on a big faucet while washing a vegetable, but clean to flush 1 time with water again in the clear water slot first. If need not dishwasher cleans dish, bowl, shouldn't directly flush with water, either.Put the tableware which wants to wash goes into a sink first to put again to quickly flush into another sink after wash clearly. 3, how does the outdoors economize to use water? Just water for lawn just while need water.Can stand first lawn, if after raising feet, the grass ability nature stretches to keep and explain to still don't need to be water. The cool hour of the weather water, in the morning for water of the best time. Install sprinkler directly lawn, spreading water of so can also directly sprinkle lawn. Plant grass or tree of anti- drought, and protect the soil of root in the tree or plant surroundings Pei 1 F, evaporate by decrease water. Should wipe to wash a car, not flush to wipe again behind with the pipe line. 4, family stanza what main method does water have? Can place in the water tank while being the family which uses water to hurtle a toilet 1 the - be 2 pieces of bricks, with the decrease displacement, attain the purpose of stanza water. Two is to use the washer less, because of doing laundry to want to do laundry to consume amount of water to have another than the handicraft with the washer 100%.Use water for the economy, in addition to the quilt, bed sheet。

etc. big piece washes with the washer, other *** all piece clothes by hand the work wash for good. Three is adopt prehensive make use of, a water much uses of way stanza water.If wash rice water can use to water flowers;Wash face water can be use to do laundry or wash feet. 5, family stanza which items should water notice? In time close tightly and just at drop the faucet of water. Pack a stanza water to equip in the toilet retain water the box. Don't water flowers in the noon, strong because of noon sunlight, water easily evaporates. Pack a flowing water controller on the faucet, can economize to in great quantities use water. Tell the whole family the member, shouldn't let the faucet open while washing vegetable and fruit, washing handkerchief and shaving beard. In writing faucet in your house"please watch for an economy to use water". The 。

2. 水的有关知识


你要把人给累晕累昏啊!!! 不过我去查了一下,还真有几百个关于水的单词。 我真佩服自己,一个一个复制粘贴,拷了100个,鼠标都快点麻了,坚持不下去了。

不过顺便自己也过了一遍这些单词,现在满脑子都感觉进水了,呵呵 water n。 水, 雨水, 海水, 水位, 水面, 流体 vt。

喷淋, 供以水, 注入水, 使湿 vi。 流泪, 加水 adj。

水的, 水上的, 水生的, 含水的 water-biscuit n。 水面饼干 water-bound adj。

被洪水困住的, [建]水结构 water-cannon n。 水炮,高压水枪 water-clock n。

水钟,滴漏 water-control n。 治水 water-cool vt。

用水冷却 water-cooled adj。 水冷的 water-diviner n。

找水源的风水先生,用占卜杖找水源的人 water-drinking adj。 爱喝水的, 不喝酒的 water-fast adj。

(颜色, 染料等)耐水的, 不溶于水的 water-hole n。 水坑 water-ice n。

刨冰 water-inch n。 水英寸(旧时水量单位) water-level n。

水平面 water-meadow n。 经常被水淹的土地 water-mill n。

水车;水磨 water-pistol n。 玩具喷水手枪 water-rat n。

麝香鼠,水鼠 water-rate n。 自来水费 water-repellent adj。

防水的, 拒水的 water-resistant adj。 抗水的 water-sick adj。

受涝的 water-ski vi。 用滑水橇滑行 water-soak vt。

用水浸泡 water-softener n。 软水机 软水剂 water-solubility n。

水溶性 Water-splashing Festival n。 泼水节 water-vole n。

麝香鼠 water absorber 吸水器, 吸湿器 吸水剂, 吸潮剂 water absorption 吸水性[率] water absorption power 吸水能力 water acrobatics n。 水上杂技 water aeration kiics 水曝气动力学 water affinity 润湿性 亲水性 water annealing 水冷退火 water applicator 灌溉装置 water aspirator 吸水器 water atmosphere 水汽圈 water atomization 水雾化 water augmentation 喷水加力 water back 贮水器 加热水池 加热管道 water back ore hearth 水套冶矿炉 water bacteria 水生细菌 water bag 硫化室, 煮沸室 水袋 water balance equation 水量结算方程式 water ballast [船]水压载 water ballast space 压载水舱 water ballast tank 压载水舱 water ballet n。

[体]花样游泳 water barrier 防水层 water base pound 水基封口胶 water base lubricant 水基润滑剂 water battery 水电池 water bearer n。 [天]宝瓶座 water bed n。

充水床垫, 水床 water bewitched 淡茶 搀水的酒 稀释的混合饮料 water bird n。 水鸟, 水禽 water blancher 水热烫[烫漂]机 water blast [采矿]集水爆炸] water blister n。

[医]水疱 water block 水封 水箱 water bloom [植]水花 water blue 水溶蓝, 酸性水溶青 water blushing 水致发白(漆病) water boat 供水船 water body 水体, 贮水池 water boiler 开水锅炉 沸水器 water bosh 水封 water bottle n。 水瓶, 水袋, 水壶 water bowl paddle 饮水器阀门 water bowline n。

帆脚索 water boy (为工人, 足球运动员等)送饮水的小孩 为牲畜供应饮水的人 water break 水膜残迹(洗涤餐具、金属等硬表面物件, 因效果不良, 经漂清后在其外表上残存有小水珠的现象) water budget 水分平衡 water buffalo n。 [动]水牛 water bug n。

[昆]半翅类水虫, 蟑螂 water bus n。 公共交通艇,水上公共汽车 water butt n。

集雨桶, 大水桶 water caltrop n。 [植]扎草,菱角 water calyx 贮水萼 water cannon for icebreaking 破冰水炮 water capacity 含水量, 含湿量 water carriage n。

水运 water carrier 含水层, 蓄水层 水道运输业者 water cart n。 卖水车,洒水车 water cell (骆驼)水桴 储水细胞 water channel 水槽, (模具)水冷腔 水筒, 水池, 水道 water check 阻 水活栓 water chestnut n。

[植]菱角, 荸荠 water chiller 水冷却器[装置] water chlorination 水加氯处理 water chute n。 滑水漕 water circuit breaker 水流截断器, 断水器 water circulating pump 循环水泵 water circulation n。

冷水环流 water circulation coefficient 水循环系数 water circulator 水循环器 water circulation n。 冷水环流 water circulation coefficient 水循环系数 water circulator 水循环器 water clarification 水的澄清(作用) water clarifier 净水器, 滤水器 。

3. 关于水的50字英语作文,用初一的知识回答

Water is very important for us to human beings,Not only can use it to wash the thing, the most important is it can maintain our life,No water, there would be no life on the earth, and, therefore, the water is very important.


4. 关于”水”的英文资料或英语短文

Earth\'s water is always in movement, and the water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. Since the water cycle is truly a \"cycle,\" there is no beginning or end. Water can change states among liquid, vapor, and ice at various places in the water cycle, with these processes happening in the blink of an eye and over millions of years.这个web很好。

5. 有没关于水资源的英语文章

Eat and drink in all things, water is the most important. People do not eat food to live many days, but two or three days without water will die. Some people throw garbage into the river, and factory waste water discharged into the river, causing water pollution. Protection of water resources is important, to protect human health, protect the environment from the start.。

6. 英语作文:节约一桶水写一篇关于节水的英语作文,要符合题目别瞎写

Save water at home We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence。

Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing。 Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water。

Therefore, so save water from every single person is important。 That is why we should save water at home。

If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would be a huge amout。 And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc。

So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home。 。

7. 关于节水小窍门的英语

First, water conservation tips: 1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of remendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad! 2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running water. Second, take a bath of water-saving: With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 sufficient. Third, water-saving toilets: (1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice ponent of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to Chong.。

8. [英语翻译]关于水方面的

The fresh water which can be used only includs these water which flows in the pools ,part of underground water and which is frozen in the iceberg.Though it counts 1.4 billion cubic kilometers ,it is even *** aller than one percent of the total water on the earth . So we should keep it in mind that there are only one percent of the total amount of water can be used by people.So try to image that there are 6 billion people while there are only 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water,how much water can we own?Due to the significantly growing number of people ,that both people density and the size of cities grow at the same time .Finally we have to face to a big problem ,that is the shortage of water. Here is the situation of China: Though China has a pretty abundance source of water,but the situation is stilll not optimistic.The main problems are: 1.water resources uneven distribution 2.water shortage aggravates 3.serious water pollutionWhen looking at the statistics data of water,we will find that the distribution of water in China has a apparently difference between the north and the south.The place along with and in the south of the changjiang river has 53 percents of the total people,but has 81 percents of the total water.So in the nirth ,there is 47 percents of people but only owns 19 percents of water. Some experts point out that due to the change of nature envrinonment and these human activity ,the source of water in he north will reduce while in the south it grows.This trend is really apprent in the last 20 years.This trend is increasing the problem. Though China owns 2.8 trilllion cubic meters of water,but China also has a big amount of people in the mean time ,so China is also a country which is short of water.For the time being ,the amount of water one person owns on the average is about 2200 cubic meters .This is about one quarter of the average amount of world per capita.What's worse ,the number will drop to 1760 in 2030. The last aspect is the water pollution .The main reasons of water pollution including the following there aspects:1.The missing processing of industrial water.2.The over used of pesticides 3.The pouring living water has not reached the standard.。

9. 谁关于水的文学科普知识题目









10. 英语百科知识题

1.Which of the following means“不辞而别”?A.take a Chinese leave B.take a French leave C.take a English leave D.take a Germany leave2.What do the letters “WTO” mean in Chinese?3.What is the nickname (昵称) of New York?4.A very famous disabled scientist visited China and spoke to university students in Beijing.Who is he?5.What do you call your grand-father's mother?6.Where is Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔) located?7.When is Christmas?8.Translate the sentence “Genius is one percent inspiration and niy-nine percent perspiration.” into Chinese.9.When and where will the 29th Olympic Games be held?10.A thief is often afraid when he hears “OICU”.Do you know what “OICU” means in English?11.Do you know the Chinese meaning of the film Gone With the Wind 12.What kind of dog can't bark (吠)?Keys(答案):1.B 2.世界贸易组织 3.Big Apple 4.Stephen Hawking /霍金5.great grand-mother(曾祖母) 6.Paris 7.December25 8.天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水 9.2008; Beijing10.Oh,I see you.11.《飘》/《乱世佳人》 12.hot-dog。

















































水槽与灶具相对方位 水槽绝对不可以紧邻灶具,因为水槽所产生的水气,与灶具的火气是相冲的,会导致家中容易发生危险。同时水槽也不宜在厨房中央位置,因为厨房中心位置火气过旺,会导致家庭失合。需要注意的是,水槽的设置应该与炉灶离开半米以上最适宜,最好是摆放在炉灶的左方,这样有“发财就手”之意。

宜坐北朝南方位 水槽适宜摆放坐北朝南的位置,因为北面的磁场最佳,将水槽放在这个位置,可以调动家中的生气。

宜坐西朝东方位 水槽同样适宜摆放在坐西朝东的位置,因为紫气东来,而水又相当于财富,财气与富贵之气相迎,必然会给家人带来好运。

不宜坐东向西方位 水槽坐东向西即靠东面墙,应极力避免。因为西方是归阴位,会对居住者的健康不利。需要注意的是,若不得已选择了此位,可在炉灶背靠的墙壁内放置一套五帝币,或者在炉灶前方的地板上铺设一块红色的胶质地毯,以化解西方的不利磁场。

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